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Prowein 2023 to Feature “Same but Different” Trend Show for Craft Spiritis, Craft Beer and Cider

Trendsetter Dansk Industry brings bar & Masterclasses / Beer: a culinary delight

February 6th – Especially geared to the hip and trendy gastronomy and bar community, the Trendshow “same but different” (sbd) will be the highlight at the center of ProWein 2023, International Trade Fair for Wines and Spirits. About 120 exhibitors from 26 countries will present a wide range of the very latest Craft Spirits, Craft Beer and Cider in the fully booked Hall 7.0. Its success formula and trademark are the unique atmosphere of the activities in this exhibition hall. This clearly sets sbd apart from other events. As different as the exhibitors are, they all share the same goal of resource-saving, sustainable and creative processing of raw materials, great craftsmanship and know-how, often the principle of regionality – and, of course, a strong passion for the product and new trends. ProWein will be held from March 19 – 21, 2023 at the fairgrounds in Düsseldorf, Germany.

Trendsetter from Denmark

A good example of trendsetting is Denmark. Although a cozy “hygge” lifestyle is of paramount importance here, the country’s beverage producers bring additional dynamism and panache. With his Copenhagen Sparkling Tea Company (Hall 7.0 / C 09) renowned sommelier Jacob Kochemba brings his innovative combination of tea and “perlage” into play. Kochemba rose to fame as a sommelier at the star-rated ‘Herman’ restaurant in Copenhagen, where he excelled at pairing food with convincing non-alcohol teas. Now he “marries” teas from mild to strong with wine & juice to form a new category of beverages, with and without alcohol, and with numerous variants – all presented in elegant sparkling wine bottles. 

The Dansk Mjød brand from Billund brings the old tradition of mead into a new age. Be it matured in casks, classic or enriched with hibiscus as ‘Viking Blood’, the Danes have brewed domestic ingredients according to historical recipes since 1994. (Hall 7.0 / D 50).

Whiskey is also becoming  Danish. With Stauning, one of the currently successful Nordic brands will be presented at ProWein (Hall 7.0 / C 55). This modern, all-glass distillery uses regional grain varieties and has revived the almost extinct tradition of direct kettle firing. While  the rye and peat aromas may be very familiar, Stauning adds a very personal touch that is not easily forgotten. Another highlight at the Trendshow will be the program by Dansk Industry. At their central bar, visitors can taste and deepen their knowledge in the Masterclasses.

Exotic products from Israel, Finland and the Balearic Islands

A familiar yet exotic experience will be offered by the Milk & Honey Distillery from Israel (Hall 7.0 / B 47). Located near Tel Aviv, this distillery sets special impulses emerging from the region. 300 days of sunshine ensure a special maturing climate and regional wine-growing estates will provide special casks; some of them are stored near the Dead Sea at a depth of 430 m, the lowest place on earth.

Other specialties will be displayed by Shaman Spirits from Finland (Hall 7.0 / B 38), where their Finnish homeland can be experienced with vodka, tar, sage or blueberries distilled in a bottle. From the Balearic Islands will be Saline Drink (Hall 7.0 / B 45),  adding the aroma of Ibiza’s salt water to their vodka.

German distillers are also both perfectionists and creative. Right now gin is a must-have – be it from the Sauerland Distillers (Hall 7.0 / B A39) with their Woodland Gin, which is available in a special mushroom edition, or from Dr. Jaglas in Berlin (Hall 7.0 / C 02). This brand looks back on a pharmacist tradition combining its gin with a special touch of ginseng. There will also be other elixirs containing herbs and fruit – and, as an absolute novelty, the brand-new ‘San Limello’, a non-alcoholic Limoncello.

Also coming from Berlin is the Deutsche Spirituosen Manufaktur (Hall 7.0 / C 32) whose distillates provide special accents in the kitchen and at the bar with their intense ginger, lemon, basil or grapefruit flavors. And for the special accentuation of a cocktail selection, the cocktail bitters from The Bitter Truth (Hall 7.0 / A 11) should not be missed. Just a few drops give cocktails that decisive twist.

Beer as a culinary treat

The brewers at ProWein 2033 will also offer new discoveries. Diversity in beer is trending and increasingly getting the attention of the food service sector. This means beer is no longer regarded merely as a thirst quencher but rather a luxury drink; as an elegant accompaniment for food or a fancy delicacy with acidity, tropical hops flavors or barrel ageing. Beer is given a new stage and the audience is fascinated. Brasserie Meteor (Hall 7 / D30), one of France’s oldest beer breweries, is managed as a family business in the eighth generation and sets itself apart with ‘Blonde du Garde’, possibly the most French of all beers, or the ‘Blanche’, a wheat beer with fruity-spicy notes. The beer bar of Maisels & Friends from Bayreuth, which stands for creative brewing concepts, will have its premiere.

A special focus this year will be on a category that deserves more attention  – Craft Cider. Apples in their most enticing form are staple food in France and Great Britain – while still niche products in Germany. Now cider producers from around the world want to change this and invite visitors to taste their way around the cider, cidre and sidr world. How about an exotic version from Sabiles Sidrs from Latvia (Hall 7.0 / C 37) or Thirsty Fox from India (Hall 7.0 / D 38)? Or maybe a more classic taste as presented by numerous suppliers from France? Or something domestic and regional following Hessian cider tradition at Frankfurt’s Cider World (Hall 7.0 / D 40)?

For further information on visiting or exhibiting at ProWein 2023, contact Messe Düsseldorf North America; Telephone: (312) 781-5180; E-mail: info@mdna.com; Visit www.prowein.com and www.mdna.com; Follow us on twitter at http://twitter.com/mdnachicago

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