Viticulture Session at Enoforum Web Conference 2021

The conference will be held online from 23 to 25 February from 4 to 7 p.m. (CET)

The program of Enoforum Web Conference will be composed of the following thematic sections: VINE, GRAPE, CELLAR and WINE. Research works selected by the international Scientific Committee for the VINE session form 4 important thematic blocks: rootstocks and new varieties, pathogen defense, low impact and efficient vineyard treatments, precision viticulture and decision support systems.

Gabriela De Lorenzis will present the study of genetic characterization of a large collection of rootstocks and other non-vinifera accessions maintained at the University of Milan. Anne-Sophie Spilmont from IFV will demonstrate the potential of X-ray tomography, commonly used in medicine, as a tool to assess the quality of the graft union of the grafted vines. Rocio Gil Munoz from the Murcian Institute of Agriculture and Food Research and Development will discuss how new hybrids meet new consumer demands for wines with lower alcohol content and greater freshness. 

Flavescence dorée, downy mildew, Botrytis cinerea and wood pathogens still represent important challenges for modern viticulture. Research from Gicele Sbardelotto De Bona of the University of Padova will explain how antifungal properties of stilbene extracts can protect vine plants from Botrytis cinerea, while Giuseppe Carella from the University of Florence will assess the use of microorganism against the wood pathogens.

Nadia Bertazzon from CREA will present mechanisms responsible for differing susceptibility of grapevine varieties to Flavescence dorée. Silvia Toffolatti from the University of Milan will report the discovery of unique downy mildew resistance traits in a winemaking cultivar from the domestication center of V. vinifera.

One of the ways to reduce the use of pesticides is to adapt their dosage to the needs of the plant by using variable rate technology for managing field spatial variability. Xavier Delpuech from IFV will present the PulvéLab project which aims to accelerate innovation in precision viticulture. Tara Southey from the University of Stellenbosch will show how an online spatial Decision support system can be useful for the wine industry.

New regulation for organic viticulture demands a significant reduction of copper treatments in the vineyard. During the conference two Italian researchers, Giovanni Mian from the University of Udine and William Antonio Petrucci from CREA, will present their studies of different strategies of optimization and reduction of copper applications. The effect of another treatment product based on the combination of zeolite and compost, studied during the ZEOWINE LIFE project, will be illustrated by Eleonora Cataldo from the University of Florence.

Watch out for new additions to our developing program, always available to monitor on the EWC website (

VINE Session:

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About Enoforum Web Conference

ENOFORUM WEB CONFERENCE is patronized by OIV (International Organisation of Wine and Vine), and enjoys the partnership of several other scientific organizations: IVES (International Viticulture and Enology Society), IFV (Institut Français du Vin), PTV (Plataforma Tecnologica del Vino), SIVE (Società Italiana di Viticoltura ed Enologia), AWRI (Australian Wine Research Institute), ASVO (Australian Society of Viticulture and Oenology), SASEV (South African Society of Enology and Viticulture).

The conference is free of charge for all wine professionals worldwide, thanks to the support of the sponsors OENOPPIA (Oenological Products and Practices International Association), SIMEI-UIV (Salone Internazionale Macchine per Enologia e Imbottigliamento – Unione Italiana Vini), ENOMAQ (Feria Internacional de la Maquinaria, Tecnicas y Equipos para vitivinicoltura).

Simultaneous translation of all presentations, given in English by the speakers, is offered free of charge thanks to the sponsors: OENOLOGUES DE FRANCE for French, ASSOENOLOGI for Italian, EXCELL IBERICA for Spanish.

In addition to the ENOFORUM Award of € 10.000 to the research best voted by attendees, OENOPPIA, ASSOENOLOGI and SIMEI-UIV have established special Awards of € 2,500 for the best research in specific categories.


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