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El Dorado Wine Grape Growers Association February 19 Meeting on Wine Industry Market Conditions

Veteran’s Hall, 130 Placerville Dr., Placerville CA 95667

Grower and Vintner Discussion on Market Conditions Effecting the Wine Industry and El Dorado County’s Future Prosperity with Lexi Boeger, President, El Dorado Wineries Association.

Meeting of the Members
6:00 Sign-in and networking: Bring a glass and a bottle to share!
6:30 Brief announcements: Welcome and general announcements
7:00 Featured Speaker: Lexi Boeger, El Dorado Wineries Association
8:00 Board of Directors Meeting: All growers are welcome to attend

Please join us on February 19, to hear our guest speaker Lexi Boeger, President of the El Dorado Wineries Association (EDWA) share up-to-date industry reports on the current and projected market conditions that face grape growers, vintners and wineries. 

Lexi will present to grape growers and vintners the key findings and predictions from 2019 and 2020 Silicon Valley Bank State of the Wine Industry reports. In addition, she will share some sobering facts from the most recent economic summit in Lodi and the prospect that market forces may effect El Dorado County growers, vintners and wineries for the foreseeable future.

After the presentation will be an informal discussion and brainstorming between the growers and vintners on current and upcoming market conditions. The goal is to begin an ongoing conversation about positive solutions for lasting economic prosperity. EDWGGA invites all growers and vintners to attend.

There is no charge to attend. Bringing a bottle of wine to share is always welcomed! For more information contact edwgga@gmail.com or Karen at 707-853-3025 (please leave a voicemail message for a return call).

About the El Dorado Wine Grape Growers Association

The El Dorado Wine Grape Growers Association is committed to helping growers to improve quality and market visibility of wine grapes grown in El Dorado County. For more information visit our website www.eldoradograpes.com.


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