GOfermentor® Wins Innovation Award for the Wine Industry WINnovation Award from Wine Industry Network

GOfermentor logoFar Hills NJ, November18, 2019 – The GOfermentor is an example of an industry outsider bringing a new perspective and expertise to winemaking and challenging how things are being done. Vijay Singh is a biotech engineer, who revolutionized the way pharmaceutical fermentations are done by introducing a single use sterile bag to replace stainless steel. Now he’s bringing the same concept to winemaking and is harvesting medals for his winery as well as significant production advantages.

“The wine industry can be slow to change, so it is invigorating to have experts like Vijay Singh come into the industry and bring their fresh approach and knowledge from another industry to winemaking. It is not often that you see new solutions that are at once cost saving and quality enhancing. The GOfermentor has the potential to cause a paradigm shift for small lot winemaking.” – George Christie, President Wine Industry Network

When grapes are crushed, they are placed into a one ton GOfermentor single use bag and the unit is programmed to automatically perform punchdowns at regular intervals. The automation reduces labor, and the frequent mixing action also eliminates temperature gradients within the fermentation, with the result that sulfides from yeast retooling are not observed. The plastic bag protects the wine from unwanted exposures from yeast, oxygen, smoke, and bacteria from the outside environment.

At the end of fermentation, the GOfermentor presses the grapes, leaving behind the pomace in the biodegradable plastic bag for easy disposal. The disposal of the bag means savings on labor and time spend cleaning as well as a 90% reduction in water usage. The GOfermentor is a paradigm shift in winemaking that many winemakers will likely be hesitant to accept, but the low cost and barebones infrastructure required to use the GOfermentor makes it easy to try with a very low investment.

“Traditional wineries are 90% janitorial and 10% winemaking. With the GOfermentor and SmartBarrel racking system, we changed that to 90% winemaking and 10% cleaning.”- Dr Vijay Singh, Inventor

About GOfermentor

The GOfermentor is an advanced winemaking system for artisanal and small batch (< 1 ton) production. Many units are in use worldwide. Automated punch and built-in press reduces cost and labor. Single-use technology minimizes water usage. US patents 9260682, 9611452, 9802805, France 14 61410, Australia 2014268161. Others pending.

For more information, visit www.gofermentor.com


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