Innovative Web and Mobile Software Exclusively for Wine Producers

When looking at the wine industry, one might get lost in the web of interactions between vineyards, people, tanks, and other necessary operations to maintain a successfully functioning winery. Other than highly skilled operators and staff, winery software has traditionally been the saving grace that keeps these interactions organized and in-check. While some software handles these needs extremely effectively, others clearly fall flat.

Process2Wine is a versatile, cloud-based, software solution with various modules that can be applied for vineyard management, cellar management, logistics, human resources, GPS tracking of tractors, reporting, and is also “compliance ready” as the data is automatically populated to the TTB 5120.17 report (cellar) and the Pesticide Use Report (vineyard). It is highly adaptable to fit any client’s specific needs and flexible enough to be accessed from anywhere via an internet connection, providing ultimate traceability to efficiently track every movement from vine to bottle.

Process2wine is the well-established software arm of Ertus Group, founded by Alain Sutre. As a famous consulting winemaker in Bordeaux, and President of the company, Alain has been instrumental in the software’s development, working with a team of dedicated developers to build the software directly from the vision of someone that knows the intricacies of the winemaking process. This allows the software to solve real problems that winemakers and vineyard managers face, while also providing the complete traceability results that they’re looking for.

Process2Wine already has many prominent and successful clients in European markets including Laurent Perrier in Champagne, as well as Leoville Poyferre and Gruaud Larose in Bordeaux. The software is now ready-to-go and coming to the US market to provide American wineries with the tools they need to succeed in managing their wineries and vineyards effectively and efficiently.

“This software is flexible, accessible, and so easy to use that winemakers and vineyard managers just have to see it to believe the amazing things it can do,” says Patrick Oates at Wine Management Systems. “It’s incredible that you can do 80% of what the software has to offer from your cell phone, in the middle of a vineyard, as long as you have cellular service. It’s truly unbelievable what this software can do to take wineries to the next level.”

The vineyard module is what really stands out in the Process2Wine software, as most competitors don’t have a fully functioning module that focuses on vineyard management. Not only can you track blocks, spraying times, and inventory but you can also manage administrative tasks like assigning work orders, tracking seasonal workers and tractor movements. The software even has a powerful GIS mapping system to fully utilize vineyard mapping capabilities. This automated data entry, coupled with GPS tracking of vineyard mechanical work, tracks which vineyard blocks have been sprayed, the time of application and the duration. It also auto-populates the Pesticide Use Report, without having to do any manual data entry.

Cellar capabilities are also improved, with an impressive graphical tank map and a real-time cellar inventory system. Every action is recorded and followed up by real-time updates for data; additions, lab analysis, temperatures, and blend percentages. It also provides complete management of wine batches and traceability to each part of each blend, all the way back to the vine.

The Process2Wine software can be accessed via smartphone, tablet, or any other computer with internet access – it’s a cloud-based system so there are no servers or hardware installations required. The Process2Wine team will even help you transfer data from your existing software and then train you on their platform. If you have a specific process that isn’t already on their platform, the Process2Wine team will add a module that can adapt to any process or operation that you can throw at it. The flexibility and adaptability of the platform is always changing to meet the needs of the clients.

“I think the biggest selling point is simply how much software and management you get for the price,” says Patrick. “You can teach everyone, from the vineyard guys to the CEO, how to use it in no time!”

With a handful of wineries and vineyards already signed on in the US, the company has had nothing but positive feedback from its American clients. Contact their team today to demo the software and see how Process2Wine can take you winery and vineyard management to the next level.

