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New Year’s Resolutions

E Column

Another year is almost upon us. By next week it will be 2018. Hard to believe, but it’s time again for your New Year’s Resolutions. This year make it a little easier on yourself by putting in at least one resolution that you’re absolutely know that you can accomplish.

One way to accomplish your goals is to give yourself some wiggle room. For instance instead of saying “I am going to completely stop doing something that is an ingrained habit,” plan on doing it less.

Here are a few resolutions that are on my list that you might also want to consider.

Allow 10 Minutes Each Day to Organize

My desk seems to have a mind of it’s own, and before I know it the desk is full of miscellaneous pieces of paper. My resolution is to take 10 minutes each day to clean up the papers that are all over my desk from the day before.

Allow yourself the choice of when you are going to clean up your desk. I find it easier to clean up my desk first thing in the morning rather than in the evening. Choosing the time I will do it makes it easier for me.

Cut Down on Procrastination

There are things that we have to do that we put off for days and then end up doing at the last minute. If my deadline is two weeks away, I find helpful is to split big tasks into smaller sections.

Allow yourself the time to do one section, shelve the project until the next day then finish section two. I make sure I have a day at the end to double-check my work before the project is considered finished.

Reward Yourself

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Allow yourself some small rewards when you accomplish a goal. I love to read, so when I have finished something I allow myself to read an article I am interested in. Or I take a five or ten minute walk. Both these things give me the break I need to put one thing behind me before I move on to the next.

When we are creating our New Year’s resolutions it’s important to take into consideration how likely we are to be able to keep them. Choose resolutions and structure them so you have a good chance of succeeding. This way March you can feel proud of what you have accomplished.


A tip of the glass from me to you

Elizabeth SlaterE Column
by Elizabeth “E” Slater, In Short Direct Marketing

A recognized expert in the fields of direct marketing and sales in the wine marketplace. Slater has taught more wineries and winery associations how to create and improve the effectiveness of their direct marketing programs and to make the most of each customer’s potential than anyone in the wine industry today.

Follow E on twitter @esavant and facebook.



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