Wine Industry Job Board Offers One Hundred $1 Job Postings

WIN-jobs_Logo-URL-340x204WIN Jobs: Value – Expertise – Reach

Celebrating the launch of the employment site, WIN Jobs is offering $1 job postings for the first one hundred wine businesses posting a job using the promo code: dollarjob.

“WIN Jobs is already priced competitively and provides excellent value,” says George Christie, President of Wine Industry Network, “but this gives wine industry businesses a chance to try out the new platform with very little investment.”


A standard job posting on WIN Jobs is only $65 for 35 days, well below the industry standard. Featuring a job post is $35 extra and not only places the post at the top of the board for 7 days, but guarantees that it will be featured in the Afternoon Brief.

Expert Advisors

WIN Jobs partners with industry recruiters and staffing companies to provide quality employment services to those in need of additional support, as well as Expert Editorial about Employment & Career.

“Why Counteroffers Do Not Work”
– Mitroff Consulting & Associates

“How to Convert Your Job Interview into a Business Meeting”
– Stefan Professional Recruiting

“Top 5 Things Wine Industry Candidates Really Want in a New Opportunity”
– Recruiting Associates Network


WIN Jobs utilizes the reach of the Wine Industry Network ensuring that job postings reach their audience through social media and email campaigns. Every weekday, featured job postings will appear in a WIN Jobs section of the Afternoon Brief, the leading wine industry newsletter with over 26,000 subscribers.

The job posting interface is very simple and easy to navigate, and job seekers will have the unique opportunity to sign up for customized alerts based on job type, ensuring they never miss a chance to apply for the perfect job. The new site is responsive and looks equally great on a desktop, tablet, or smartphone.

WIN Jobs
WIN Profile: WIN Jobs

