September 17, 2019
Dates for 2020 symposium announced Healdsburg, CA, September 11th, 2019 – Expert speakers from both the cannabis and wine industry tackled the latest topics surrounding the quickly evolving world of recreational...
March 19, 2018
When Californians voted to legalize recreational marijuana on November 8, 2016, there may have been a common assumption among many that pot smokers and wine drinkers belonged to two distinctly different...
November 21, 2017
As recreational marijuana continues to grow in popularity, we are seeing more events that pair wine with high-end cannabis. There are luxurious dinners with wine and courses of gourmet cannabis-infused...
June 5, 2017
Do you think that pot will take a huge bite out of wine sales or is this just a tempest in a teapot? Maybe. Maybe not. It depends on which state you’re in, literally and figuratively.