July 28, 2016
Vineyard Destroyed by Fire, Others Threatened by Smoke: The Soberanes Fire that grew to more than 23,000 acres near Big Sur today already has claimed one vineyard and is threatening the 2016 vintage in...
July 13, 2016
On-Premise Beverage Alcohol Consumption Continues to Decline: The on-premise beverage alcohol market was unable to capitalize on an improving economy, as consumption decreased for the third consecutive...
July 6, 2016
El Niño or La Niña: California Unprepared for Both: With El Niño we were told California's drought would be washed away. That didn't happen...
July 1, 2016
Parducci Maker Mendocino Wine Co. Buys Offbeat Brands Portfolio: Mendocino Wine Company, maker of the Parducci brand, has purchased the wine portfolio of Offbeat Brands...
June 27, 2016
California Winemakers Press for Stricter Label Rules: California winemakers have now enlisted lawmakers and federal regulators in their latest effort to stop the dilution of some vintage names...
September 29, 2015
Truck Spills 8,000 Pounds of Red Wine Grapes Onto Highway 128: A trucker hauling grapes through the Alexander Valley spilled a large load of grapes onto Highway 128 Tuesday morning after apparently taking...