June 27, 2023
Rodney Strong Wine Estates Announces Acquisition of River West Vineyard: Today, Rodney Strong Wine Estates (RSWE) – family-owned, Sonoma County wine company that includes Rodney Strong Vineyards, Davis...
June 12, 2023
Shafer Acquires ‘World Class’ Napa Vineyard: California’s Shafer Vineyards has supercharged its Cabernet Sauvignon offering with its latest purchase, a vineyard in Napa’s Atlas Peak AVA...
May 10, 2023
Wine Prices Slide Lower to Start Q2: Cult Wines, the company actively redefining the fine wine market, reports fine wine markets declined in April by 0.37%, as measured by the performance of the Cult Wines...
April 19, 2023
The Carbon Economy and Vineyards – What’s the Status Quo?: The carbon economy is making headlines at the moment as many developed countries contemplate carbon emissions reduction targets and timeframe...
April 14, 2023
California Vintners Welcome Higher Last-Resort Fire Insurance Limits but Await Return of Private Market: The Golden State raises coverage limits on its last-resort policies after billion-dollar wildfire...
April 10, 2023
DTC Impact Report: Outreach and Inclusion Attract Younger Drinkers: The 2022 Direct-to-Consumer Impact Report offers a variety of key insights on trends and developments in tasting rooms and DtC over the...
April 7, 2023
How Sonoma County Wineries Are Navigating a Post-Pandemic Tourism World: Something happened during the pandemic that proved critical to the long-term recovery of Sonoma County’s wine-centric tourism i...
March 31, 2023
Fire Destroys Outbuilding at Napa County Winery, Other Structures Spared: A fire destroyed an outbuilding at a winery east of Yountville on Thursday night, but was contained without damage to other structures,...
March 28, 2023
New Cornell Variety Raises Grape Expectations for NYS Wine: Introducing Aravelle - a new white wine grape that was 42 years in the making. Renowned Cornell grape breeder Bruce Reisch made the hybrid by...
March 24, 2023
Napa Organizations Join Forces to Protect the Community from Wildfire: This annual fair brings together members of the wine industry, Napa residents, community organizations and local businesses to learn...