Washington State Wine
WAVEx Webinar to Focus on Wine Fermentation
Research has found imbalance of glucose and fructose in must can cause fermentation problems. SEATTLE (January 20, 2023)—The Washington State Wine Commission (WSWC) and Washington State University invite...
Afternoon Brief, January 9th
Barolo Icon Luciano Sandrone Dies at 76: Luciano Sandrone, a vintner who was part of a movement to elevate quality in Barolo for more than four decades, died after a lengthy battle with cancer...
Washington State Wine
Washington Wine Industry Asked to Identify Research Priorities
Feedback from survey guides direction of state’s research program SEATTLE (January 6, 2023) —The Washington State Wine Commission (WSWC) recently opened its 2023 research survey to gather input from wine...
Afternoon Brief, December 16th
Winc and Sherry Lehmann: Two Very Different US Retailers in Trouble: Winc, the much lauded 11-year old online business that went public last year, has collapsed, despite $54.2m from venture capital investors...
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Washington Wine Specialty License Plate Now Available for Order
Revenue from specialty plate will help support state tourism efforts SEATTLE (December 16, 2022)—The Washington Wine Specialty License Plate has been finalized, and is now available for order through the Washington...
AB Hero Young Vines
Afternoon Brief, December 1st
Premiumisation Continues Across Beverage Alcohol, but Shows Signs of Slowing Down in Q4 2022 Onwards: IWSR data shows early signs of down-trading in select categories...
Washington State Wine
Washington State Wine Commission Research Grant Program Now Open
Viticulture and enology research proposals accepted through January 31, 2023 SEATTLE (December 1, 2022)—The Washington State Wine Commission (WSWC) is soliciting research grant proposals for Fiscal Year...
Taste Washington Will Return in March 2023
Get ready to raise your glass: Taste Washington returns this Spring!   SEATTLE (September 29, 2022) –Taste Washington, the nation’s largest single-region wine & food festival, will...
AB Hero Cork
Afternoon Brief, August 22nd
Gabilan Mountains AVA Approved on the Central Coast: Straddling the slopes between Monterey and San Benito counties, from south of San Juan Bautista to east of Soledad, the roughly 30-mile-long appellation...
AB Hero Sparkling on Ice
Afternoon Brief, August 1st
Scorching Heat and Wildfires Worry European Winemakers: In wine regions across the continent, spring was dry and summer has brought record temperatures, shrinking the potential harvest and sparking wi...
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