November 2, 2016
With Lokoya, Jackson Family Wines Has a New Napa Estate to Go with Its High-End Wine: Since its founding by Jess Jackson in 1995, the Lokoya luxury wine brand has never had a true home to showcase its...
July 18, 2016
Fire Threatens Washington Winery, Vineyard Near Red Mountain: A 4,000-acre wildfire near Red Mountain threatened one winery and smoked a handful of Chardonnay vines before being brought under control early...
April 26, 2016
Rep. Mike Thompson Introduces Tax Bill to Benefit U.S. Wine Industry: North Coast Rep. Mike Thompson proposed a series of federal tax breaks Monday for the U.S. wine industry, including a proposal to slash...
December 9, 2015
FEMA Releases Severe El Nino Disaster Response Plan For California, Arizona, Nevada: The FEMA Region 9 office, in Oakland, CA has established an El Niño task force charged with preparing the regional office...