May 13, 2020
The UK’s 28 million wine drinkers expanded their wine occasions to include during the day, with online catch ups and with lunch more frequently during the lockdown, according to new data published today...
February 10, 2020
The value of the North Coast grape crop slid to $1.7 billion last year, down 15% from 2018 as wine sales leveled off across the United States and wineries reacted by crushing less fruit, according to the...
August 7, 2019
Aug. 7, 2019 SAN FRANCISCO — The week of Oct. 6, 2019 kicks off the first ever visit to California wine country solely dedicated to wine buyers from the United Kingdom and Ireland searching for new-to-market...
May 23, 2019
Jackson Family Wines to Expand to Tasmania - Speaking to Drink Business during a recent trip to California, Pedro Rusk, Jackson Family Wines wine educator, said the company is keen to add a Tasmanian estate...
April 9, 2019
European Markets Drive Demand and Growth
London (9 April 2019) – Though organic wines represent a small subset of the total global still wine industry, new research from IWSR Drinks Market Analysis shows...
April 5, 2019
How Jackson Family Wines’ Top Brass in Oregon Is Shaping the Willamette Valley’s Future: With Eugenia Keegan at the helm in Oregon, JFW is guiding the valley's evolution into an elite, luxury region. In...
March 22, 2019
Napa and Sonoma Bottles Rise to the Top of American Wine Lists. Again.: We love to ride a new wave, set a trend, be the vanguard. Headlines scream about the decline of last years fad and the rise of this...
February 4, 2019
Should You Ignore What Your Customers Want? The Great Winemakers Do: Among French wines, Château Pétrus is legendary. Consumers pay over $1,000 for a single bottle. Talking with Christian Moueix, the owner...
January 25, 2019
Direct Sales Alters US Wine Market: In 2018, wineries shipped more than 6 million cases of wine, a nine percent increase over the previous year, according to Larry Cormier's presentation at the annual...
January 10, 2019
Important Crush Report May Be Impacted by Government Shutdown: The ongoing federal government shutdown, which began Dec. 22, may soon affect a key program of great importance to winegrape growers. Thursday,...