August 15, 2024
Don't Believe the Hype - Wine Can Be Healthy: "Confirmation bias" means that people interpret information in ways that support their existing beliefs. It's happening this week about an important study...
December 28, 2016
Wine Industry M&A Brisk Pace Expected to Continue in 2017: The North Coast had a second year of high-profile, big-value sales of wine properties and brands, and those in the thick of such deal-making said...
August 10, 2016
Prospects of a Light Crop Strengthen Prices for California’s 2016 Wine Grapes: Judging by early results from the unusually early start to this year's harvest, California's 2016 wine grape production could...
August 8, 2016
It began as a group of hardworking people installing electric fencing for farmers who needed assistance with their livestock. It’s become a worldwide solution for multiple vineyards, winery owners,...
July 5, 2013
Please welcome the newest members to the Wine Industry Network. The Wine Industry Network continues to grow as more and more industry buyers and suppliers realize the possibilities that a 24/7 online trade...