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Tag: Sitos Group


Afternoon Brief, February 7th

Prohibition Era Over? State House Passes Bill to Legalize Sale of Liquor, Wine in Small Towns: The House passed a bill that would no longer prohibit Mississippi’s small towns from selling liquor and wine — a Prohibition-era carryover still enforced for municipalities in many “dry” counties...

Afternoon Brief, September 13th

New Wine Market Council Study Shows How Consumers Are Shifting in the Wine Category and Desired Price Points: Lately the wine news has been filled with reports of declining wine consumption in the U.S. Because of this, Wine Market Council (WMC) launched a new research study to investigate why this is happening and what types of wine and price points are still desirable...

Sitos Group, Biochar Producer Launches State-of-the-Art Slow Pyrolysis Plant in Monterey, First...

Biochar Offers Wine Grape Growers and Wineries Improvements in Soil Health, Water Conservation, Crop Yields and Carbon Sequestration Monterey, CA – September 13, 2023 -...