Afternoon Brief, January 12th
Labeling Laws Another Challenge for Wine: Wine labeling laws are already in use in the EU. Should US producers be freaking out?...
AB Hero Cork
Afternoon Brief, January 8th
Napa Valley Robot ‘Sommelier’ Spurs Debate on AI in the Wine Business: “He doesn’t break glasses,” Maria Reznikova said, citing a bonus with hiring her new staffer — a robot “sommelier” that has become...
The 2024 SVB State of the US Wine Industry Report Virtual Event
Don’t miss an opportunity to discuss the emerging trends impacting the wine industry. Our panel of industry leaders will discuss their observations on the current business climate, offer their take on...
Afternoon Brief, December 29th
What Were Wine's Biggest Deals of 2023?: In uncertain times for wine, stronger players are scooping up small but promising vintners...
Afternoon Brief, October 2nd
Chilean Politician Takes Aim at “Illegal” Sweet Wines: A Chilean politician has called on authorities to act against "falsely produced" sweet wines in the country, saying their production does not meet...
AB Hero Sun Behind Vine
Afternoon Brief, September 27th
Washington Considers Allowing Fingerprint Scan, Facial Analysis to Buy Alcohol, Cannabis: The Washington State Legislature may consider legislation giving the State Liquor and Cannabis Board further rulemaking...
AB Hero Young Buds
Afternoon Brief, September 6th
Renowned International Winemaker Files Lawsuit Against Napa County over Denial of Water Rights: Jayson Woodbridge, owner and winemaker of one of the world’s most sought-after wines, has filed suit against...
Afternoon Brief, August 31st
Campaign to Loosen Utah Liquor Laws: An ambitious attempt to liberalize Utah's liquor laws could face stiff opposition from a devout legislature...
AB Hero Grape Temperature
Afternoon Brief, August 22nd
Sherry Lehmann’s Landlord Sues Iconic Wine Shop over $3.6 Million in Unpaid Rent: Sherry-Lehmann’s landlord is suing the iconic wine retailer as well as its former owners over $3.6 million in unpaid rent...
AB Hero Young Vines
Afternoon Brief, August 21st
After Farmworker’s Death in Fresno-Area Heat, UFW and Sen. Padilla Say It’s Time for Stronger Protections at Work: The case shines a spotlight on the effectiveness of a California law designed to protect...
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