June 7, 2018
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Trending Story:
Compounds Called Corklins Found in Cork-Stoppered Wines
The interaction of wine and phenolics from cork stoppers produces compounds that positively...
June 10, 2015
A surprising market for North Coast wine grapes: The current market for California's North Coast wine grapes is like nothing Brian Clements, vice president of Turrentine Brokerage, Novato, Calif. has seen...
June 3, 2015
Massive Wine Fraud Sting Nets Prominent Canadian Industry Figures: Montréal police arrested 12 individuals, many in the wine industry, last month in what authorities are calling "one of the most [significant]...
April 29, 2015
Controversial Hop Kiln and Hale Winery development decisions appealed: Two controversial decisions in an increasingly contentious battle over winery development in Sonoma County are being appealed, placing...
April 2, 2015
Beringer Launches Category-Changing Method Of Consumer Sampling With Taste Station Program: This month Beringer unveils an industry-leading innovation that allows consumers to preview wine in stores without...
November 5, 2014
New research predicts California droughts will worsen:
Future droughts in California are likely to bite deeper and last longer than the one now gripping the state, according to new research into the...
October 15, 2014
Winning in U.S. wine: Pricing to maximize profit, avoid brand equity erosion:
The price of a bottle of wine has a critical impact on the positioning and profitability of a wine brand but marketers are...
October 8, 2014
TTB Establishes 11 New Viticultural Areas Within the Paso Robles Viticultural Area:
On Thursday, October 9, 2014, the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau will publish a final rule in Federal Register...
October 1, 2014
America's Thirst for Wine Insatiable, Despite Rise of Cocktails, Craft Beer:
Wine industry executives are worried about the growing interest in craft beer and spirits from America's 20- and 30-somet...
September 24, 2014
When Cigarettes Cost More, People Drink Less. Except for Wine:
For those who count Don Draper among their TV loves (or love-to-hates), it comes as no surprise that drinking and smoking go hand in ha...