March 11, 2019
Subscribe to the Afternoon Brief Trending Story: US Wine Exports Decline Over the Last 12 Months Wine exports decline over past 12 months. U.S. wine exports have declined over the last year through...
December 17, 2018
Farm Bill Contains Wine Provisions to Help Vintners: Federal farm bill contains provisions for wine industry. The $867 million federal farm bill recently passed by the U.S. Congress contains provisions...
March 13, 2017
Does Napa Have too Much Cab?: Does Napa Valley have too much Cabernet? And does it charge too much for it? These questions were not on the agenda, but unexpectedly popped up this week at a Napa Valley...
February 8, 2017
Traveling? Don't Drink the Water, Drink Wine: For many, alcohol and travel go hand-in-hand. Even when you're not in wine country, you're likely celebrating your respite from responsibility with a tipple...
September 16, 2015
Beverage Diversification Key to Success in Competitive Marketplace: There's little doubt that the alcohol beverage industry is shifting. Consider this... tasting room menus in upstate New York are as likely...
July 23, 2014
Grape harvest begins early in Temecula Wine Country: Experiencing the grape harvest in the local vineyards has rarely been on a July to-do list but thats just what is happening now in the vineyards of...