Afternoon Brief, August 12
Wineries Worry About Impact of Water Rules: A new statewide order affecting how wineries dispose of water could undermine existing regional solutions, winery owners and their advocates say, and would impose...
Afternoon Brief, July 10
Wine Labeling Controversy Triggers Class Action Lawsuit: A Napa Valley winery is accused of misleading consumers about the origins of its Oregon-labeled wines in a proposed class action lawsuit filed June...
Grandstanding and Support of Special Interests Harms Wine Consumers in Ohio
National Association of Wine Retailers Renews Its Offer to Ohio to Provide Millions in Tax Revenue Through Reform of Antiquated, Protectionist Wine Shipping Laws (Columbus, Ohio) — With its recent filing...
AB Hero Cork
Afternoon Brief, May 5
US Drinkers Have Increased Wine Consumption During Lockdown, Led by More Involved Drinkers, as Interest in Locally Produced Wine Surges: America's 77 million regular wine drinkers upped their frequency...
AB Hero Tasting Glasses
Afternoon Brief, April 21
European Winemakers May Have to Turn a Billion Liters of Wine into Industrial Alcohol: Coronavirus has been a devastating blow to an already struggling EU wine market...
Magic Napa Mtn - Hero 920
Afternoon Brief, April 15
Top-Tier Napa Cab for $10? With Bulk Wine Prices so Low, New Brands Offer Deep Discounts: It sounds too good to be true. A $50 Napa Cabernet, repackaged and sold for $10 a bottle. A $40 Anderson Valley...
Wine Retailers Seek Alcohol Shipping Compromise with 18 States
National Association of Wine Retailers Release Letter Delivered to Attorneys General and Alcohol Regulatory Chiefs Concerning Unconstitutional and Unenforceable Wine Shipping Bans (Sacramento, CA)—The...
AB Hero Sparkling Wine Glass
Afternoon Brief, March 24
Oregon Wine a Leader in Biodynamics: Even though Oregon only produces one percent of the wines made in the United States, this states accounts for 52% of total vineyard acres that received biodynamic®...
Afternoon Brief, March 23
With Tasting Rooms Closed, Napa's Wine Country Workforce Feels the Sting: As the economic ramifications of shuttered tasting rooms and a hobbled hospitality sector become clearer in Napa Valley, businesses...
National Association of Wine Retailers Executive Director Tom Wark Issues Statement on the Wine and Spirits Marketplace and the COVID-19 Outbreak
A Call To Set Aside Self-Serving Politicking In Favor of A Rational Response to A Human and Marketplace Emergency (Sacramento, CALIF)—If ever there was a moment that demonstrated both the utility and necessity...
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