AfBrief  August 8
Afternoon Brief, August 8
California's Next Big Wine Region: The Beckstoffers Bet on Red Hills: In the winemaking world the name Beckstoffer is synonymous with quality but it's truly insufficient to simply say "quality" about the...
ABrief  August 5
Afternoon Brief, August 5
Global Demand for Wine Packaging to Reach $22.8 Billion: Global demand for wine packaging including containers, closures, and accessories is projected to increase 2.3 percent per year to $22.8 billion...
ABrief  August 4
Afternoon Brief, August 4
California Wine Shows Strength in Challenging Economy: The California wine and winegrape sector and allied businesses deliver a total economic contribution of $57.6 billion annually to the state's economy...
ABrief  August 2
Afternoon Brief, August 2
O’Neill Vintners & Distillers Acquires Robert Hall Winery: O'Neill Vintners & Distillers, the seventh-largest wine producer in California by volume, has announced the purchase of Robert Hall Winery in...
ABrief  August 1
Afternoon Brief, August 1
Unfair Competition in the Wine Industry: California counties are increasingly using California's Unfair Competition Law to bring government enforcement actions against local businesses for myriad reas...
ABrief  July 29
Afternoon Brief, July 29
Innovative Wine Industry Veteran Phil Hurst Announces Changes at Truett-Hurst, Inc.: Phil Hurst, Co-Founder and President and CEO of Truett-Hurst, Inc., announced today that the VML tasting room and ultra-premium...
ABrief  July 28
Afternoon Brief, July 28
Vineyard Destroyed by Fire, Others Threatened by Smoke: The Soberanes Fire that grew to more than 23,000 acres near Big Sur today already has claimed one vineyard and is threatening the 2016 vintage in...
ABrief  July 27
Afternoon Brief, July 27
People Spend as Much on Legal Weed as They Do on Alcohol: Consumers are reaching for cannabis nearly as often as they are for a can of beer, a new report has found...
ABrief  July 26
Afternoon Brief, July 26
Winemakers’ Push for Stricter Label Rules Fraught with Unintended Consequences: A federal proposal that California winemakers and legislators hope will tighten labeling rules for wine in the state also...
ABrief  July 25
Afternoon Brief, July 25
Huneeus Vintners to Buy Hambrecht Wine Group's Russian River Valley Winery Complex for $15.5 Million: Napa-based Huneeus Vintners has decided to buy a winery complex in Sonoma County for $15.5 million,...
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