ABrief  August 24
Afternoon Brief, August 24
Deeper Irrigation Method Showing Promise for Vineyards: A new subsurface irrigation system is showing promise for slashing water usage in vineyards...
ABrief  August 22
Afternoon Brief, August 22
Wine in Kegs: This Time, Are They Here to Stay?
: Wine in kegs is an ancient concept that has been ongoing in many parts of Europe...
ABrief  August 19
Afternoon Brief, August 19
From Wine to Weed: Keeping the Marijuana Farm Small and Local: In November, voters in as many as 12 states will see a marijuana legalization initiative on their ballots...
ABrief  August 18
Afternoon Brief, August 18
California Eradicates the European Grapevine Moth: In what's being heralded a "success story," California is officially eradicated of the European grapevine moth...
ABrief  August 17
Afternoon Brief, August 17
Winegrowers of Dry Creek Valley Predict a Knockout Vintage: Winegrowers of Dry Creek Valley began their 2016 grape harvest this week, and shared their predictions for the season...
ABrief  August 15
Afternoon Brief, August 15
Clayton Fire in Lake County Destroys Lower Lake Winery: Though the Clayton fire has destroyed one winery, Lake County vintners reported Monday their $61 million industry remained largely unscathed to...
ABrief  August 12
Afternoon Brief, August 12
Wave of Mergers and Acquisitions Sweeps U.S. Wineries: Over the past several months, there's been a drumbeat of big-name mergers and acquisitions in the U.S. wine industry...
ABrief  August 11
Afternoon Brief, August 11
Premier Cru Staffer Spills Beans About Ponzi Scheme: The disgraced former owner of the bankrupt store is facing 20 years in prison...
ABrief  August 10
Afternoon Brief, August 10
Prospects of a Light Crop Strengthen Prices for California’s 2016 Wine Grapes: Judging by early results from the unusually early start to this year's harvest, California's 2016 wine grape production could...
AfBrief  August 8
Afternoon Brief, August 8
California's Next Big Wine Region: The Beckstoffers Bet on Red Hills: In the winemaking world the name Beckstoffer is synonymous with quality but it's truly insufficient to simply say "quality" about the...
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