ABrief  August 24
Afternoon Brief, August 24
Deeper Irrigation Method Showing Promise for Vineyards: A new subsurface irrigation system is showing promise for slashing water usage in vineyards...
ABrief  August 19
Afternoon Brief, August 19
From Wine to Weed: Keeping the Marijuana Farm Small and Local: In November, voters in as many as 12 states will see a marijuana legalization initiative on their ballots...
ABrief  August 18
Afternoon Brief, August 18
California Eradicates the European Grapevine Moth: In what's being heralded a "success story," California is officially eradicated of the European grapevine moth...
ABrief  August 5
Afternoon Brief, August 5
Global Demand for Wine Packaging to Reach $22.8 Billion: Global demand for wine packaging including containers, closures, and accessories is projected to increase 2.3 percent per year to $22.8 billion...