Afternoon Brief, August 19
California Put Wine Industry Profits Above Farmworker Safety During 2020 Wildfires, Study Finds: Researchers from the University of California – Irvine and the National Center for Atmospheric Research...
Afternoon Brief, February 6th
WineVit State of the Industry Session Looks at National Challenges to Wine Consumption and Local Opportunities for Growth: U.S. wine sales down 9 percent in 2023. Twenty million gallons of oversupply....
Afternoon Brief, December 29th
What Were Wine's Biggest Deals of 2023?: In uncertain times for wine, stronger players are scooping up small but promising vintners...
Afternoon Brief, December 22nd
California State Controller Weighs in on Napa Winery Dispute: In a letter shared with the drinks business, Malia Cohen, California State Controller, has demanded an explanation from Napa County as to why...
Afternoon Brief, November 17th
First Winery to Commit to 300 Gram Bottle: Today a small winery in Zillah Washington was the first winery in the USA to commit to the new 300 gram bottle from Verallia...
AB Hero Vineyard Fan
Afternoon Brief, November 13th
Italian Watchdog Launches Wine Bottle Cartel Investigation: The Italian competition authority, the Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato (AGCM), has launched an investigation into a possible...
AB Hero Tasting Glasses
Afternoon Brief, November 10th
France Raises Wine Output Estimate, Regains Top Producer Spot: France's farm ministry on Friday raised its estimate for this year's wine production, confirming that it will regain the top spot among world...
Three Wineries Seek Federal & State Civil Rights Investigations
Wineries Request Patterns & Practices Investigation by Federal & State Prosecutors November 8th – NAPA–Today, three wineries joined in seeking federal and state civil rights investigations...
AB Hero Young Buds
Afternoon Brief, August 4th
Rising Temperatures Could Impact Quality of Grapes Used to Make Wine in Napa Valley, Researchers Say: Rising temperatures are shifting the growing season in Napa Valley’s wine country, which could impact...
Afternoon Brief, December 16th
Winc and Sherry Lehmann: Two Very Different US Retailers in Trouble: Winc, the much lauded 11-year old online business that went public last year, has collapsed, despite $54.2m from venture capital investors...