Afternoon Brief, September 3
Cowboys Fighting Fires in Napa County: Amateur firefighters are bulldozing their way through the California blazes, but some of the professionals don't seem too pleased...
Afternoon Brief, July 13
Wine Dodges the Tariff Bullet: French luxury goods will face higher tariffs in a transatlantic trade spat, but wine has escaped - for now...
SmartBarrel Solves Major Headache for Winemakers
Far Hills NJ, July 13, 2020 – The SmartBarrel product from GOfermentor solves a perennial problem for aging wines in oak – the necessity to maintain topped vessels. A 60-gallon oak barrel...
AB Hero Cork
Afternoon Brief, July 9
Michigan Slaps Liquor Distributor with 'Historic' $3 Million Fine: A spirits distributor tied to a 2019 liquor shortage in Michigan will face a $3 million fine, which state officials labeled "historic"...
AB Hero Wine Keyboard
Afternoon Brief, June 3
Sonoma County Health Officer Set to Fully Resume Indoor Dining at Restaurants, Wineries and Brewpubs: Barring a spike in coronavirus cases or people needing hospital care for the highly contagious infectious...
Afternoon Brief, June 2
Pierce’s Disease Resistant Vines Now a Reality After Years of Research: Carrying a heavy economic burden for those areas of the country with infestation of the glassy winged sharpshooter (GWSS), Pierce’s...
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New App Gives GOfermentor Winemakers Access from Anywhere
The GOfermentor® is an advanced winemaking system that uses automated cap management and single-use technology that minimizes water usage. It has a built-in press that requires no cleaning making...
AB Hero Sparkling Wine Glass
Afternoon Brief, May 27
Premium Wine Falls Victim to Coronavirus: Premiumization might be over for wine as producers look to offer value ahead of prestige to an uncertain market...
AB Hero Napa Vines and hills
Afternoon Brief, May 11
What Will Bay Area Wineries Look Like After Coronavirus? 'Very Different,' Industry Expert Says: As California begins reopening, a major question is how the Bay Area's wine industry will bounce back.....
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GOfermentor Launches Live Weekly Winery Chat
GOfermentor launches Weekly Winery Chat, hosted by Dr. Vijay Singh on YouTube. Every Wednesday at noon Eastern. Join the discussion on various issues concerning winemakers. The topic for the April 8th conversation...
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