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Tag: Emma Swain

Afternoon Brief, September 5

Alleged Marijuana Damage to Grapes Ruled Plausible: A federal judge has ruled that an Oregon vineyard has plausibly alleged harm from a neighboring marijuana operation and may proceed with a racketeering lawsuit against it...

Afternoon Brief, December 7

Denver Wine Collector Loses $1.7 Million to Crooked Vendor, Sues Insurer: A Denver wine collector who once ran the nation's fourth largest HMO has sued an insurance company for failing to cover his losses after a California vendor took the collector's payment for $1.7 million and instead of using it to buy wine, spent the money to hire female escorts, buy luxury cars and pay his daughter's college tuition...

Wine Market Council Elects Emma Swain of St. Supéry as Board...

St. Helena, CA, December 7, 2016 -- Wine Market Council, a non-profit association of grape growers, wine producers, importers, wholesalers, retailers, and other affiliated...