July 22, 2015
Grape Harvest Off to an Early Start in Napa Valley: George Sanchez said he's been harvesting grapes for 40 years. On Wednesday, his seasonal ritual began earlier than ever in a Napa Valley vineyard soaked...
July 14, 2015
How Millennials Are Changing The Wine Industry: While the precise dates governing the birth years for the biggest generation in history known as millennials vary, (somewhere between 1976 and 2004), there...
July 13, 2015
Women for WineSense launches Human Resources Roundtable IV: The Napa | Sonoma Chapter of Women for WineSense (WWS) will launch a new group, Human Resources Roundtable IV, on August 5th
July 8, 2015
International Sparkling Awards – Italy Launches the First International Award Dedicated to “Sparkling” Wine: The centuries – old traditions and chalices of emotion: the most elegant wine in the world now...
June 24, 2015
WineAmerica Member to Testify Before Congress: Thursday, June 25th, the Senate Agriculture Committee will hold a hearing on the Country of Origin Labeling dispute...
June 19, 2015
Water wars in California's coastal wine country: By most measures, California's Central Coast wine industry is thriving. Between 1990 and 2014, harvested wine grape acreage in the growing region around...
June 17, 2015
Fine Wine Market Grows 234% in 10 Years: A new report has revealed the increasing popularity of fine wine over the past decade, highlighting growth of 234%...
June 16, 2015
Online wine sales make up 5% of the market - but are on the rise: Don't wine about it: Online wine sales accounted for a mere five percent of global sales of whites, reds and roses last year - but are...
June 12, 2015
Unusual Cool Growing Season Extends Bloom Period for Napa Valley Wine Grapes: Napa Valley’s unusually cool start to the wine grape growing season has extended the stages of flowering and fruit-set for...
June 5, 2015
A Packed Party of Top California Winemakers and Magnums of Their Best Wines: Where can you find some of California’s biggest movers and shakers and a world-class selection of magnums all under the same...