ABrief  July 21
Afternoon Brief, July 21
California Crop Forecast: 4 Million Tons: Speaking at the 64th annual meeting of the Allied Grape Growers last week, Nat DiBuduo told the audience that the 2016 crop "seems to be getting smaller"...
ABrief  July 20
Afternoon Brief, July 20
Thieves Take $55,000 in Wine from California Store: The South Bay's oldest wine seller is reeling after thieves broke in and made off $55,000 worth its priciest vintages...
ABrief  July 19
Afternoon Brief, July 19
Barolo Burglars Steal Thousands of Bottles of Wines: Two of Barolo's wineries have been robbed of hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of wine in less than three weeks, and the evidence suggests the...
ABrief  July 18
Afternoon Brief, July 18
Fire Threatens Washington Winery, Vineyard Near Red Mountain: A 4,000-acre wildfire near Red Mountain threatened one winery and smoked a handful of Chardonnay vines before being brought under control early...
ABrief  July 13
Afternoon Brief, July 13
On-Premise Beverage Alcohol Consumption Continues to Decline: The on-premise beverage alcohol market was unable to capitalize on an improving economy, as consumption decreased for the third consecutive...
ABrief  July 12
Afternoon Brief, July 12
Winery Events Study Comes Before Sonoma’s Board of Supervisors: A lengthy process to evaluate how to control, permit or deny events at Sonoma County's 447 wineries and tasting rooms comes to a head on...
ABrief  July 11
Afternoon Brief, July 11
Sonoma County Winery Development at Issue in Debate About Events: Sonoma County has approved more than 300 new wineries and tasting rooms in the past 16 years - a nearly 360 percent increase over the previous...
ABrief  July 8
Afternoon Brief, July 8
Paul Hobbs Solidifies Position in the Sonoma Coast Acquiring Goldrock Ridge Vineyard: Winemaker Paul Hobbs has acquired the 42 acre Goldrock Ridge Vineyard, located in the northwest corner of the "true"...
ABrief  July 7
Afternoon Brief, July 7
Top Somms Advice Vintners on How to Get on Their Wine Lists: Sommeliers and wine directors see and taste a lot of wines. What gets their attention? What's the best way to get attention? We asked them....
ABrief  July 6
Afternoon Brief, July 6
El Niño or La Niña: California Unprepared for Both: With El Niño we were told California's drought would be washed away. That didn't happen...
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