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Tag: Alsace

Afternoon Brief, March 24th

Fighting to Save the American Oak: Imagine a nation populated primarily by retirees, with few babies, and even fewer individuals ready to head into the workforce. Anyone with even the most tenuous grasp of socioeconomics could tell you those demographics will spell doom for the country's future in a matter of decades...

Afternoon Brief, January 21st

A Bottle of Wine Could Cost $5 More This Year as California Winemakers Grapple with a Glass Crisis: California winemakers are grappling with a glass crisis that has sent the price of bottles shooting up, raising fears that they'll have to increase costs for consumers...

Afternoon Brief, December 27

Trump’s 100% Tariffs on French Wines Could Cost American Jobs: The Champagne that millions of Americans will drink to toast in the New Year could become more costly if U.S. President Donald Trump imposes a 100% tariff on French -- and other European -- goods such as wine, cheese, cosmetics, and the famous bubbly by the middle of next month. The tariff could also lead to job cuts in the U.S. ...

Wines of Alsace Rocks Chicago with Month-Long Campaign in June

Trade, Media and Consumers Targeted in Second Annual Program   New York, NY, May 22, 2019 — In June, the northeastern French region of Alsace will bring...

Afternoon Brief, May 3

Iconic Wine Sustainability Innovator Challenges Peers: Each year at the Sonoma County Barrel Auction, the Sonoma County Vintners have recognized local wine industry icons who have shaped the heritage and history of Sonoma County winemaking. This year, they are also celebrating innovators who help propel the Sonoma County wine community forward...

Afternoon Brief, September 21

A Clash Between Cotton and Cabernet? : The Texas High Plains has the potential to be a grape grower's paradise. This plateau near the New Mexico border is now home to nearly 5,000 acres planted to wine grapes...

Wines of Alsace Rocks New York City with Month-Long Campaign in...

Trade, Media and Consumers Targeted in Flagship “Alsace Rocks” Program New York, NY, May 30, 2018 — In June, the northeastern French region of Alsace is...

Afternoon Brief, February 22

Red Wine Consumption Could Fight Dementia: A glass of wine a day could keep the mind sharp. Several scientific studies have linked resveratrol, a polyphenol found in grape skins, to a reduced risk in neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's, among other health benefits...

Afternoon Brief, December 4

North Coast Wineries See Opportunities, Challenges Ahead in 2016: The North Coast wine industry remains in a relatively strong position going into 2016 despite a much lighter grape harvest this year and persistent environmental concerns, especially as its water use comes under greater scrutiny in a drought era, industry analysts said Thursday...

Afternoon Brief, February 18

A team of researchers from the Polytechnic University of Madrid and Spain's Forest Research Center have proposed that certain wine flavors can be imparted by a special yeast, potentially saving winemakers barrels of money in savings...

Afternoon Brief, August 12

Grape sales slow in face of prospects for another big crop: With California's wine grape vineyards on a fast track to producing what looks to be the third large crop in as many years, finding a home for uncommitted 2014 grapes could prove somewhat daunting, especially for Central Valley sellers...

Afternoon Brief, Jan. 16

  Trending Story: Special yeast reduce alcohol, improve wine A team of Australian researchers has taken a giant step towards controlling a growing problem in...