AB Hero Shrivelled Grapes
Afternoon Brief, August 22
Saving Cabernet from Climate Change: UC Cooperative Extension, Beckstoffer Vineyards and Duarte Nursery are launching the wine industry's most ambitious cabernet sauvignon rootstock and clone trial in...
Oct 19
Afternoon Brief, October 19
As North Coast Grape Harvest Nears End, Wine Industry Frets About Oversupply: As he walked around a cabernet sauvignon vineyard along a hilly stretch just west of Lake Sonoma this week, Clay Mauritson...
Afternoon Brief September 8 Wine Industry Advisor Wine Industry Advisor
Afternoon Brief, September 8
Subscribe to the Afternoon Brief   Trending Story: Industry Accused of Spreading Lies About Alcohol and Health A report by UK academics has accused the drinks industry of, “actively disseminating...
Afternoon Brief, June 26
Are Napa, Sonoma Vineyards Getting too Pricey? At a wine industry event about 10 years ago, there was a lot of discussion about top Napa Valley vineyards setting new records, with some selling for as much...
Afternoon Brief, April 7
U.S. Producers Betting on Rosé and Challenging French Dominance "Is it on? Yes, it's definitely on. Pink is trending; it's a heavy trending thing, and I don't see it going away at all," says sommelier...
ABrief  September 7
Afternoon Brief, September 7
Winery Worker, Napa Resident Killed on the Job: A Napa winery employee was pronounced dead on the scene by paramedics after a stack of metal wine barrel racks fell on him, according to the Napa County...
Afternoon Brief  September 2   Wine Industry Advisor   Wine Industry Advisor
Afternoon Brief, September 2
Bulk Wine Now 38% of Global Wine Exports: The growing bulk wine category now accounts for 38.6% of global wine exports, with 39.49 million hectoliters exported around the world last year...
Brief Screen Shot
Afternoon Brief, April 11
Vision and Robots Team Up for Wine Production: Robots and robotic-based vision systems are slowly replacing the tedious, time-consuming tasks involved in wine production...
Afternoon Brief, February 25
California Wine Exports Set Record in 2015: U.S. wine exports, 90% from California, reached $1.61 billion in winery revenues in 2015, an all-time record and a 7.6% increase from 2014. Volume was up 4.1%...
Afternoon Brief, September 4
Sonoma County Winegrape Growers Approve Commission Referendum: As it seeks to become the nation's first 100% sustainable winegrowing region, Sonoma County's winegrape growers voted ...
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