AB Hero Vines
Afternoon Brief, April 19th
Sonoma County Winemaker Seeks Zero-Tolerance Policy for Sexual Assault and Harassment: In a bid to improve the treatment of women in Sonoma County’s wine industry, an influential female winemaker has drafted...
Napa Valley’s Aileron Estates Launches Take Flight for May 2021
New Luxury Napa Winery Helmed by Shannon O’Shaughnessy Introduces New Bi-Plane Scenic Flights & an Exclusive Tasting (Napa, Calif.—April 19, 2021)—Shannon O’Shaughnessy, proprietor of new...
AB Hero Sparkling Wine Glass
Afternoon Brief, February 15th
Wine List Secrets Revealed: Last week Bill Rancic hosted an online event held by the Wine and Spirits Wholesalers of America (WSWA) intended for wineries to learn about how they might use the three-tier...
Afternoon Brief, November 11
Researchers Study Ashy Aromas, Tastes in Wine Affected by Wildfires: Grapes exposed to smoke for shorter periods of time may not cause negative impacts to wine...
Shannon O’Shaughnessy Launches Napa Valley’s Aileron Estates
Second Generation Vintner Taps Philippe Melka and Maayan Koschitzky of Atelier Melka for Winemaking (Napa, Calif.—November 11, 2020)—Decades after she helped her family launch their iconic Napa Valley...