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March 13, 2020
Pandemic a Double-Edged Sword for Wine: There's good news and bad news about the impact on the wine industry of the corona virus, and Donald Trump's sudden European travel ban...
March 12, 2020
Wine Tasting Room Sales Drop 22% in February, says Napa Valley-Based Transaction Software Provider: Jitters over the new coronavirus may be cutting into wine tasting room revenues, according to a Napa...
March 11, 2020
Global Wine Experts Describe Impact of Turbulence Ahead: Wine Intelligence’s global expert network on the impact of Coronavirus: ‘Christmas trading’ in Italian supermarkets amid a gloomy outlook, calm...
March 10, 2020
Experts Encourage Washington Vineyard Acreage Removal to Address Grape Surplus: Washington state wine industry leaders are encouraging growers and wineries to correct an imbalance in supply and demand...
March 9, 2020
Coronavirus Trip Cancellations Hit Wine Country Hospitality Businesses: The regions hospitality industry is beginning to show signs of distress with the new coronavirus outbreak. The Hyatt Regency Sonoma...
March 6, 2020
Ballot Measure to Protect Napa County’s Forests and Its Water Resources Filed for 2020 General Election: Napa Growers and Vintners for Responsible Agriculture has requested that the Napa Department of...
March 5, 2020
Making the Wine Industry Attractive to the Next Generation: How can wine attract a new generation of viticulturists, winemakers and data specialists? Andreas Clark, CEO of Wine Australia has some thou...
March 4, 2020
‘Like the Coronavirus’: Rampaging Insect Shows up in California, Alarming Farmers: It originated in the wilderness of Asia. It spreads quickly. It's already causing millions of dollars in economic losses...
March 3, 2020
More Winegrapes Could Go Unsold, Analysts Believe: With the amount of winegrapes that went unpicked in 2019, the message to grape growers from marketers and vineyard managers is clear: Without a winery...
March 2, 2020
Chemical Weed Killer Is Compatible with Sustainability Certification in California’s Wine Industry: After a recent post concerning sustainability, email arrived from people in and out of the wine business...