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The Wine Industry Advisor is an Online Industry Publication featuring news and articles relevant to the wine industry. Our goal is to be a resource for wine businesses and professionals by providing free access to our knowledge base articles, industry press releases, and daily news. We aim to provide you with the information most relevant to you.

People: Steve Burns – Helping Guide the Wine Industry into a...

“The successful associations are the ones that develop a plan and work together,” said Burns. He explained that having had some clients from outside the wine industry has helped him with clients within the industry. “We have to understand that in the wine business we have one product and we need to focus on that. It’s what holds us together.” Today at O’Donnell Lane, LLC, a marketing firm owned by Burns and his partner, Burns continues helping wineries and wine associations spread their message. Current clients include the Wine Institute of California, Middleton Family Winery, Chateau St. Michelle, and the Oregon Wine Board, all of whom are reaping the benefits of his energy and insights.

To Buy or Not to Buy: Factors Impacting Winery Supplier Choice

Positive supplier relationships have always been important in the wine industry, but even more so during tough economic times. With increased global competition and pressure to reduce costs, wineries often scrutinize suppliers more closely to obtain better pricing. At the same time, long-standing relationships are also a primary consideration. So what factors really drive a winery’s decision in supplier selection?

People: Robert Merletti

There are people in the Wine Industry that don’t own vineyards or make wine, yet their impact on our business is indisputable. They are...

Crop Insurance: The deadline for insuring this year’s crop is approaching!

Writer: Jim Brumm Printable PDF Version “Would you pay a few hundred bucks an acre for a spray that would guarantee you seventy-five percent of your...

People: A Wine-Drenched Life: Sue Straight, AKA, The Wine Wench®

There are people in the Wine Industry that don’t own vineyards or make wine, yet their impact on our business is indisputable. They are...

Direct-to-Consumer Sales

Writer Jim Brumm Are you getting all you can from your tasting room? The most profitable way to sell wine has always been to sell it...

Why Choosing the Right Attorney is Critical for Winery Owners

Writer: Jim Brumm While few non-lawyers want to deal with the often scary and nearly always confusing world of law, a winery owner may find that...

It’s Trade Show Time… Are You Ready?

Writer Jim Brumm Wine Industry Trade Show season is fast approaching. For exhibitors, trade shows are an opportunity to showcase new products, advances and innovations,...

Wine Industry Associations…Helping Members Thrive in Today’s Economy

by Jim Brumm Making great wine is hard enough, but layer on the marketing, compliance, employees, taxes, permits, distribution, vendors, receivables, etc…it’s easy to see...

Solar Power Growing in Wine Industry

by Brian Wright It’s no surprise that wineries are pioneers in a green industry like solar as the success of the grape grower can be...

5 Things Every Video Marketer Should Know…Before Production Begins!

We recently celebrated the completion of our 175th wine industry related promotional video and had several people ask us what the "secret" is to...

Social Media and Wine…Do They Blend?

Do you need to get your winery, brand, or business involved in Social Media just because everyone else is? The better questions to ask are:...

Selling Wine…Meet Facebook!

For the last two years, like just about everyone I know, I’ve been friending, posting, and indulging in a lot of general voyeurism on...

Do I Really Need A Video?

No…you don’t really need a video, but one of the greatest characteristics of our industry (lucky for us) is the curiosity our customers have...

To Custom Crush or Not…Good Question!

The last few years have seen more growers in Northern California wrestle with canceled contracts, a decline in grape prices or the worst case...