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Josetta Saffirio Invites You to Go Truffle Hunting: A Sustainable Commitment in the Heart of the Langhe

Castelletto di Monforte d’Alba (Cuneo), 21st October 2024 – In the heart of the Langhe, a land of noble wines and enchanting landscapes, the Josetta Saffirio winery consolidates its role as the guardian of age-old winemaking traditions, but also as a champion of biodiversity and sustainability. With a commitment that goes beyond viticulture, the winery invites its guests to enjoy an authentic Truffle Hunting experience in the estate-owned woods, where the winery’s truffle ground proves to be a gastronomic treasure, as well as a lovingly tended corner filled with biodiversity.

Sara Vezza, CEO of Josetta Saffirio, talks enthusiastically about the project: “In 2008, we launched an ambitious project to promote biodiversity on our estate. We set up an area of almost 5000 square metres, enriching it with twelve different tree varieties mycorrhized for truffles, including hazelnut, poplar, linden and oak. We are extremely proud of this commitment, which distinguishes us as the only winery in the area to have developed an area that boasts such biodiversity. We offer wine enthusiasts the opportunity to participate in real truffle hunts at our truffle ground, accompanied by expert hunters, the “trifulau”, and their trained dogs, the “tabui”, an experience that is both fun and exciting, every time.”

The Josetta Saffirio truffle ground was conceived with a view to soil health and care for biological diversity, within the framework of a series of initiatives implemented by the company to reduce the environmental impact of its activities. Our action aims to create a close bond with our natural surroundings, making Josetta Saffirio a model of sustainable coexistence between agriculture and the environment. Wine tourists are invited to discover these magical places, guided by expert truffle hunters and their faithful dogs, learning about the delicate balance that exists between nature and human activities and also about respecting it.

At the same time, the winery continues to protect and promote the growth of wild orchids, a symbol of the flora of the Langhe, and now also the new labels of Josetta Saffirio wines, designed as part of a rebranding to celebrate the winery’ entry into Brave Wine, the wine holding company owned by entrepreneur Renzo Rosso with whom Sara Vezza shares a strong ethical commitment to nature and sustainability. This conservation project emphasises the winery’s commitment to the quality of its wine but also to the health of an ecosystem that allows the cultivation of exceptional grapes. Lastly, a commitment to sustainability that is also reflected in the environmental certifications held by the winery, particularly the SQNPI integrated crop management quality system and Biodiversity Friend certifications, tangible signs of a philosophy that regards responsibility towards future generations and the planet as key.

With a series of initiatives ranging from sustainable viticulture to the recovery of native varieties and the protection of the local fauna and flora, Josetta Saffirio is at the forefront in promoting agriculture that respects the rhythms of nature without sacrificing innovation and quality.


Josetta Saffirio is a company with over two centuries of winemaking tradition in Monforte d’Alba. Established by Ernesto Saffirio, the estate was passed on to his daughter Josetta and today to his granddaughter Sara Vezza, a businesswoman who has successfully led the company to the attainment of Biodiversity Friend certification. Commitment to tangible sustainability and reduced environmental impact are the hallmarks of this winery, which, while maintaining its roots, bravely looks to the future.


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