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The World’s Finest Concrete Wine Tanks and Stunning Concrete Fixtures

Sonoma Cast StoneSonoma Cast Stone makes the most durable–and most beautiful concrete wine tanks. Styles from 240-gallons to 23,000 gallons. Embedded glycol tubing. Layered concrete engineering. Choice of color and logo treatment. Guaranteed not to crack or leak. See all of our amazing styles, including the new SuperEgg, the world’s largest concrete egg tank.

We also make jaw-dropping concrete sinks and countertops, tiles and pavers and fireplace surrounds to enhance your entire winery!

The company president, Steve Rosenblatt, will be available along with company reps to discuss pricing, scheduling and all of your winery’s needs.

Sonoma Cast Stone
Unified Symposium Booth: 1341

From the heart of the California Wine Country, Sonoma Cast Stone has been providing wineries with stunning concrete fixtures for over 20 years. One of the most innovative companies in the wine industry, we developed embedded temperature control, layered concrete for incredible strength, the stackable concrete NuBarrel, and even the effortless Pivotal Manway cover. Our latest innovation is the thousand-gallon SuperEgg, lowering the per-gallon cost of producing the super-premium wines associated with concrete egg tanks. Your guests have never seen anything like the SuperEgg!

Unified Symposium Exhibitor Guide

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Production Services


Tasting Room




Unified Wine & Grape Symposium trade show at the SAFE Credit Union Conventions Center in Sacramento on January 25-26, 2023.

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