Napa County Farm Bureau’s Young Farmers & Ranchers Win State Committee of the Year

December 9th – Napa, CA–The Napa County Farm Bureau’s Young Farmers & Ranchers Committee (YF&R) has been recognized by the California Farm Bureau as State Committee of the Year.

The Napa County YF&R Committee was recognized for its partnership with the Mission Farm community garden, which grows organic produce for the Napa County Food Bank. The committee’s Barn Dance fundraiser also raised $13,000 for scholarships for Napa County high school students pursuing college study of agriculture. The YF&R State Committee separately recognized Napa County YF&R for excellence for its contributions to Harvest for All, a national food campaign serving needy families.

“This is great recognition for our Napa YF&R committee and the excellent work they’ve undertaken this year serving the community in a variety of ways,” said Peter Nissen, President of the Napa County Farm Bureau. “To be recognized as state committee of the year is quite an accomplishment and they’re certainly deserving of this award.”

“The Napa County Young Farmers & Ranchers chapter is extremely honored to have received awards for Harvest for All and Committee of the Year at the California YF&R Annual Conference,“ said Shelby Thibodeaux, Chair of the Napa YF&R. “With the support of the Napa County Farm Bureau, our chapter helped revitalize the Ag in the Classroom program and put on two public education events at Mission Farm at St John’s Lutheran Church. Our support of Mission Farm is why we received the Harvest for All award. For 2022, our chapter has a total of 200 volunteer hours and has helped harvest over 7,000 pounds of produce from Mission Farm that has been donated to the Napa Food Bank. The Napa County Farm Bureau support of the next generation has led to two members of our YF&R to be on the Board of Directors. The passion and support of our membership and community has helped us fundraise for the Aldo Delfino Memorial Scholarship. This year, we awarded six local high school graduates who are pursuing degrees in agriculture with scholarships totaling $7,000. Young professionals in Napa County come from all over the world. We might not all be from Napa County, but what united us is our love for our adopted home and our passion to encourage kids to pursue careers in agriculture”.


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