Farm Bureau Announces Open Nominations for California Leopold Conservation Award

Napa County Farm BureauJune 28th – Napa, CA—The Napa County Farm Bureau is pleased to announce nominations are currently open for the California Leopold Conservation Award.

The Farm Bureau is a proud partner of the Leopold Conservation Award Program that recognizes agricultural landowners actively committed to a land ethic. It recognizes and celebrates extraordinary achievements in voluntary conservation by private landowners, inspires countless other landowners by example and provides a prominent platform by which agricultural community leaders are recognized as conservation ambassadors to citizens outside of agriculture.

“The California Leopold Conservation Award recognizes private landowners who exemplify the spirit of leaving their land better than how they found it”, said Ryan Klobas, CEO of the Napa County Farm Bureau. “These awards not only recognize extraordinary achievement in voluntary conservation, but also inspire other landowners and help the general public understand the vital role private landowners play in conservation efforts.”

The Leopold Conservation Award recipient receives $10,000 and a crystal award.

To nominate an individual for the California Leopold Conservation Award, please visit


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