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Registration and Housing for 2022 In-Person Unified Symposium Opens October 19

SACRAMENTO, Calif., October 13, 2020 — With a planned return to a live, in-person format, the Unified Wine & Grape Symposium opens registration and housing on Tuesday, October 19, at 9 a.m. PDT. The conference will be at the newly renovated SAFE Credit Union Convention Center, formerly the Sacramento Convention Center, on January 25-27, 2022.

“Offering the industry a chance to gather in person, renew relationships and discuss the issues and opportunities shaping our industry is especially exciting following a year of COVID-19-driven isolation,” said John Aguirre, president of the California Association of Winegrape Growers (CAWG), which co-sponsors the Unified. “We’ve been working closely with our partners, the convention center and health experts to provide a safe, informative and enjoyable event in January. Combined with a powerful program, a newly remodeled convention center and the chance to network with friends, colleagues, experts and exhibitors, the 2022 Unified promises to be a landmark industry event.”

Developing the Unified’s program, which drew on the expertise of the 30-plus program committee members, are co-chairs Mike Boer from Grow West and Leticia Chacón-Rodríguez from the University of California, Davis. In addition to Unified hallmark events like Tuesday’s keynote luncheon and Wednesday’s State of the Industry panel discussion, the 2022 program includes a general session on Thursday focusing on strategies and sustainable solutions for living with climate change. For a detailed list and a breakdown of the sessions, visit unifiedsymposium/program.

One of the most celebrated aspects of the Unified Symposium, the two-day trade show, is back showcasing essential industry products, equipment and services. Following two years of renovations, the SAFE Credit Union Convention Center has an entirely new look and feel, including a significantly larger exhibit hall, which will allow for the largest number of booths in the Unified’s 27-year history. On Wednesday, January 26, trade show attendees can also taste wines on the trade show floor from all over the nation.

“We are committed to providing the safest possible environment for our guests and staff,” insists Dan Howard, executive director of the American Society for Enology and Viticulture, co-sponsor of Unified Symposium. “For that reason, we retained a company that specializes in epidemic policy, Epistemix, to develop simulations that approximate risk based on our venue, audience and anticipated virus levels. Given our current face-covering policy (all attendees must wear face masks), those simulations predict zero cases of COVID,” said Howard. “We will be communicating regularly about our safety preparations as we look forward to opening our doors and seeing everyone again in 2022.”

Built with the joint input of growers, vintners and allied industry members, the Unified Symposium has served as a clearinghouse of information important to wine and grape industry professionals for 27 years. The Unified Symposium also hosts the industry’s largest trade show of its kind. For more information and to register, visit www.unifiedsymposium.org.


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