The German Wine Collection: An Importer Reborn & Redefined

As the newest star in the firmament of leading US wine importers, The German Wine Collection is proud to shine amongst the leaders in the wine business. Fully dedicated to German wine, it was founded in early 2020 “to keep Germany’s top wine estates under one red, white & blue umbrella with the most prestigious and marketable brands, its most recent vintages, generous in quality and quantity, allow us to launch with a warehouse and suppliers full of wines and confidence,” announced President Jenna Fields.

In response to uncertainties during the current international pandemic while navigating a tariff environment, word of The German Wine Collection‘s existence was minimized while Fields and her staff worked tirelessly to maintain and grow its market share of 150 SKUs with 46 distributors for its 17 loyal wineries–15 of which are members of the prestigious VDP. Since its inception, The GWC has continuously supported its wholesalers, restaurant partners, and retailers in their virtual events.

Owner Albert Behler, proprietor of the historic Weingut Karthäuserhof in Mosel’s Ruwer district, says that “since starting my tenure with Karthäuserhof in 2013 I’ve grown to know many accomplished winemakers throughout my native Germany, and am honored to now represent some of these distinguished colleagues here in the United States with The German Wine Collection. The GWC is an indispensable resource for unique, high quality German wines.”

Family winemaker Andrea Wirsching says, “with Jenna Fields and her team of professionals focusing on this high-class portfolio of handmade wines, The GWC is the perfect US partner for us!” Proprietor of his family’s Pfalz estate Hansjörg Rebholz added that, “trust is most important–from us to our importer, and from the importer to the customer. This team has been selling our wines for years and is THE specialist for German wine with a high level of competence and experience.” The Mosel’s Katherina Prüm confirms that “the development of a great portfolio is in very good hands with The German Wine Collection’s knowledgeable and enthusiastic team.”

Soon after graduating Sonoma State U. with a degree in Business Management, Fields was hired by Rudi Wiest as his Los Angeles sales manager, later assuming portfolio management of the entire United States, dedicating hercareer to building German wine in the US. With 19 years working in high-level hospitality management in his native Europe and the US, The GWC’s Operations Director Stefan Jüling has recently served as Wine Director of the Patina Restaurant Group and managed operations and logistics for Rudi Wiest Selections.

The GWC is a proud partner of Wines of Germany USA and represents Friedrich BeckerFritz MüllerHans WirschingJoh, Jos. PrümMeyer-NäkelMönchhofPfeffingenRainer SauerRaumland (recently recognized as the VDP’s first sparkling based winery), RebholzReichsrat von BuhlReinhold Haart, Salwey, Schäfer FröhlichSchnaitmannWagner Stempel, and Willems Willems; all of which are Eco-Friendly, Sustainable, Biodynamic, and/or Organic


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