Vintners Collections & Consulting Helps Wine Suppliers Build Their Brand Through National Account On-Premise Placements

Orlando, Florida., March 12, 2020– Marilyn Vogel, Wine Industry Leader with over three decades of experience building successful brands, is leveraging her skills, knowledge, integrity and relationships to create Vintners Collections & Consulting LLCa platform to share her passion and expertise bringing together great brands and great people.

In today’s ever-changing alcohol beverage environment, it is becoming much more challenging for suppliers to get noticed and gain quality distribution in the US market.  Realizing that supplier competition continues to grow increasingly fierce and disproportionately favors the ‘big’ brands, Marilyn has decided to leverage her vast experience and industry relationships to help fine wine and other suppliers connect with the national account on-premise and transportation network.  “My passion is to connect the ‘right’ brands with the ‘right’ accounts to bring value and an exceptional experience to the consumer which keeps them coming back for more, creating a win-win situation all around while maintaining female ownership.  There are so many wine brands out there that deserve to be visible on wine lists so that consumers can discover and enjoy them. “My goal is to help these wines get on the list to build their brand, one sip at a time.”

Marilyn represents producers that prefer to outsource their sales and marketing to a professional national account executive. She is dialed in and connected to the major national accounts in the US. If you are looking for the right placement of your wines and to build your US distribution, look no further, contact Vintners Collections today!  For more information, visit:, follow Marilyn on Facebook: (, Instagram (vogel.marilyn) and LinkedIn (


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