New: Rivercap Absolute Green Line

At Rivercap, we work to produce environmentally-friendly packaging that reduces our carbon footprint—a priority we share with our customers. Our new Absolute Green Line (AGL) is an innovative collection of capsules and inks sustainably produced from renewable resources that replace the use of oil and solvents. The AGL capsule is fashioned with bio-based polyethylene (PE) produced with sugar cane and water-based inks.

UWGS Booth: 1115

RIVERCAP SA was founded in 1990 in Lapuebla de Labarca, the heart of the Rioja Appellation in northern Spain. In the two decades since, Rivercap has become an international presence with a singular reputation for producing premium quality capsules for the global wine and spirits industry. Recognized for technological innovation, the company offers products uniquely tailored for each customer. With facilities located in Spain, France, and the U.S., Rivercap produces high quality tin capsules, as well as aluminum, polylaminate, and PVC capsules, and screwcaps, selling over 800 million capsules in more than 40 countries worldwide. For further information on Rivercap capsules, please visit the website at

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