New: Creative Oak E-Store

Creative Oak announces a new online store where customers can easily purchase our most popular products in convenient styles for both tanks and barrels: bung inserts, fan packs, and squares in 20 lb. bags. These products are available in two precision fire toasts and in seven convection toasts. The E-Store offers winemakers everywhere the ability to make a purchase anytime of the day or night.

Creative Oak
UWGS Booth: 1042

Creative Oak produces the industry’s finest oak barrel alternatives in convenient styles for both tanks and barrels. We’ve created two precision fire toasts—our medium and medium-plus toasts—that serve as a backbone for our seven convection toasts with their distinctive flavor profiles. This collection gives winemakers an endless variety of blending options. Visit our online Creative Oak store to determine the amount of Creative Oak product you’ll need to craft your finest blends and to purchase some of our bestsellers.

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