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Four Fresh Monovarietal Wines with a New Graphic Label by Polish Artist Andrzej Kot

Torgiano, Italy, July 10, 2024 – There is a cat toasting on the new labels of Lungarotti’s Il Pometo. The historic Umbrian winery has chosen for the restyling of the line an amusing image by Polish designer and illustrator Andrzej Kot, taken from an ex libris on display at the Torgiano Wine Museum, which is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year.

Composed of four single-varietal wines, Grechetto (Umbria IGT Grechetto), Trespo (Umbria IGT Bianco), Pinot Grigio (Umbria IGT Pinot Grigio) and a Sangiovese (Umbria IGT Sangiovese), Il Pometo originates in an area of Torgiano where Lungarotti has been experimenting with different grape varieties for years. The name recalls that of the area where the grapes used to produce the wines come from, the Fattoria del Pometo, named after an orchard of ancient varieties of pome fruits (apples and pears) rediscovered by the Arboreal Archaeology nursery in Lerchi, Umbria.

The wines of Il Pometo evoke summer evenings in small Italian villages, at a slow pace and carefree, between an aperitif in the piazza and a dinner on the terrace with friends.

Grechetto Il Pometo – Umbria IGT

This is a territorial white that exalts the typical characteristics of this Umbrian grape variety. Inebriating, fragrant, with delicately floral notes (jasmine, rose and aniseed), it is savoury, intense and fruity on the palate. An easy-drinking wine that combines volume with a snappy freshness.

Trespo Il Pometo – Umbria IGT

Trespo is made from one of Umbria’s most iconic white grape varieties, Trebbiano Spoletino, which for bureaucratic reasons cannot be mentioned on the label outside it’s the growing area of the specific DOC appellation. The name of the wine, however, evokes the variety. It is a fun and easy-drinking white thanks to its vibrant freshness.

Pinot Grigio Il Pometo – Umbria IGT

Giorgio Lungarotti introduced Pinot Grigio to Umbria in the early 1970s. After decades of adaptation in the vineyards around Il Pometo, this variety has found its own expressiveness amidst elegant floral notes and delicate whiffs of fresh fruit. Il Pometo’s Pinot Grigio is a full-bodied and decisive, fresh and savoury wine that manages to combine the more playful and delicate side of the variety with the more territorial side of the growing area.

Sangiovese Il Pometo – Umbria IGT

Sangiovese in Torgiano tends to have a great sapidity, textural layers of fruit and a crispness enhanced by the soil of the area where the vineyards of Il Pometo are located. Thanks to the delicate tannins, this Sangiovese can be served slightly chilled in summer, after a short passage in an ice bucket.

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Lungarotti has contributed to writing the history of Italian and Umbrian wine in the world. A story originating with Giorgio Lungarotti, a pioneer of modern Italian viticulture who, after World War II, transformed the family farm in Torgiano into a successful winery. A story that continues thanks to the commitment, passion and expertise of the 3 generations of the Lungarotti family, who together today carry on the business while innovating, without renouncing the unmistakable character of iconic wines such as Rubesco Riserva Vigna Monticchio – Torgiano Rosso Riserva DOCG, considered among the best Italian reds, and Rubesco – Rosso di Torgiano DOC. Lungarotti’s vineyards are located between the Tenuta di Torgiano (VIVA certified) and the Tenuta di Montefalco (certified organic), where a viticulture attentive to sustainability and biodiversity is practised. The pillars of the company also include the promotion of wine tourism and the promotion of the culture of wine, olive oil and artistic heritage through the Wine Museum (MUVIT) and the Olive and Oil Museum (MOO) in Torgiano. www.lungarotti.it


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