Supercap (Crealis): New Strategic Agreement Signed in Portugal with ‘Best-in-Class’ Cork Producer

New Partnership Kicks Off for the Production of ‘SD Shank’ Microgranule for Clear Spirits

(Mombaroccio, PU, 20 May 2024). Supercap closes a strategic agreement with a Portuguese ‘Best-in-Class’ cork producer and consolidates its market positioning with a new partnership for the supply of microgranule. The subject of the deal is the exclusive ‘SD Shank’, an innovative microgranule developed with a proprietary technology capable of satisfying the most stringent quality tests for so-called ‘clear spirits’. “This is a strategic choice – explains Mirco Bannini, CEO and founder of the company, now part of the Crealis Group -. This agreement, in addition to those already existing between Supercap and the main suppliers of the industry, allows us to strengthen our position in the market of microgranule and natural cork and to guarantee our customers worldwide the best service, always maintaining high quality standards”.

At the head of the Crealis Group ‘luxury bartop’ division, Supercap is a pioneer in the production of technical closures made of natural cork, cork microgranule and thermoplastic materials. With production sites in Italy, Mexico and Portugal, the company achieved a turnover of around EUR 80 million in 2022. Crealis, an international group and global leader in closure solutions for still and sparkling wines, spirits, beers, olive oil and vinegar, on the other hand, has a global turnover of more than EUR 300 million per year, with 1,500 employees and 17 production sites in 8 countries, for a total yearly production of more than 5 billion pieces.



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