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Guía Peñín Celebrates 34rd Edition in New York City

The Spanish Wine Guide Hosts 14th U.S. Tasting 

New York, NY- May 16, 2024 – Guía Peñín, the world’s most comprehensive reference  for Spanish wines, will celebrate its 33rd edition with a walk-around tasting at City  Winery in New York City on Tuesday, June 4th, marking its 14th tasting in the United  States. The event will feature over up to 40 top-quality producers from throughout Spain  and is exclusive to wine trade and press. 

Spanish Wine Specialist AJ Ojeda-Pons will host a seminar featuring the podium wines,  which have received 95 points or more in the Peñín Guide 2024. 

José Peñín’s annually published Guía Peñín evaluates 12,000 wines from across Spain’s  120 demarcated zones. 

Each year, their team of tasters travel to every wine-growing area of Spain to taste and  review new varieties, labels and vintages, and this year’s edition of the guide contains  information on more than 9,900 new wines. 

For more information, visit www.guiapenin.com

About Peñín 

Peñín is the leader in the promotion of Spanish wine culture at a national and international level and is mainly recognized for the annual publication of the Peñín Guide and for the organization of professional wine events both in Spain and abroad. 

The Guía Peñín is the benchmark for Spanish wines, the most comprehensive and representative photograph of the wine universe of our country. It has editions in Spanish, English, German and Chinese, and is the most widely used tool by amateurs and professionals alike when making decisions to buy Spanish wine.  

In addition, every year Peñín organizes a full program of national and international tasting showrooms to support Spanish wineries in the marketing and promotion of their wines.

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