Star Wine List Celebrates the Top Wine Lists in Finland – Here Are the Finalists

March 28th – On April 15, the international wine guide Star Wine List will celebrate the great wine lists in Finland for the fifth time in Helsinki. The expert jury has now decided the finalists. 

Star Wine List of the Year is the celebration of the great wine lists in the world and the teams behind them. The Finnish winners will be revealed at the Best Sommelier of Finland in Helsinki on April 15. In Finland, the prize is awarded in nine categories, and the winners will also qualify for the International Final in June 2024. The jury is done deliberating, and the finalists have been selected. 

“It may not be the biggest wine scene we visit on our wine list celebration tour but it certainly has dynamic entries and great people behind it. We look very much forward to coming back to Finland to celebrate with the Finnish teams!” said Krister Bengtsson, founder and publisher of Star Wine List.

About the jury
The jury for the Star Wine List of the Year Finland 2024 includes four top international wine experts: 
Salvatore Castano, Best Sommelier of Europe & Africa 2021    
Heidi Mäkinen, Master of Wine    
Kathrine Larsen-Robert, Master Sommelier
Julie Dupouy-Young, several times named the Best Sommelier of Ireland 

Grand Prix
The best list overall
The winner will be announced at the event, as it’s chosen from the winners of Long, Medium and Short lists. 

Best Long Wine List
The best large wine list, with more than 600 references
Muru Wine Bar, Helsinki
Palace, Helsinki
Restaurant Muru, Helsinki
Savoy, Helsinki

Best Medium-Sized List
The best wine list with 200-600 listings, a category presented by Louis M. Martini
Apotek, Helsinki
Baskeri & Basso, Helsinki
BRASA, Turku
Bronda, Helsinki
Café Savoy, Helsinki
Minne Champagne & Wine, Helsinki
Nokka, Helsinki
Pastis, Helsinki
Restaurant Grön, Helsinki

Best Short List
The best wine list with fewer than 200 listings
Brasserie Alexanderplats, Helsinki
Emo, Helsinki
Farang, Helsinki
Grape Wine Bar, Helsinki
Le Coucou Vert, Helsinki
Pöllöwaari, Jyväskylä
Restaurant Adlerfelt, Helsinki
Salutorget, Helsinki
Sekel Bar & Restaurant, Helsinki

Best By the Glass List
The best wine list by the glass
Gaijin, Helsinki
Muru Wine Bar, Helsinki
Nokka, Helsinki
Pöllöwaari, Jyväskylä
Ravintola Viinille, Turku
Viinitupa Vuorenmaja, Mänttä
Vinho, Turku

Best Sparkling Wine List
The best list with sparkling wine, a category presented by Nyetimber
Bronda, Helsinki
Café Savoy, Helsinki
Minne Champagne & Wine, Helsinki
Muru Wine Bar, Helsinki
Nokka, Helsinki
Palace, Helsinki
Pastis, Helsinki
Restaurant Grön, Helsinki
Restaurant Muru, Helsinki
Savoy, Helsinki

Best Austrian Wine List
The best wine list with Austrian wine, a category presented by Austrian Wine
BasBas Kulma, Helsinki
Grape Wine Bar, Helsinki
Minne Champagne & Wine, Helsinki
Palace, Helsinki
Restaurant Grön, Helsinki
Restaurant Muru, Helsinki
Savoy, Helsinki
Sekel Bar & Restaurant, Helsinki

Sustainable Wine List
Not only the wine list is evaluated, but also the stated actions of the venue
Le Ankka, Helsinki
Nokka, Helsinki
Restaurant Adlerfelt, Helsinki
Restaurant Grön, Helsinki

Best Newcomer List
For a venue that recently opened

Le Ankka, Helsinki
Le Coucou Vert, Helsinki
Minne Champagne & Wine, Helsinki
Scolare, Helsinki

Star Wine List is the award-winning guide to great wine bars and wine restaurants around the world. It is available as an app and on It was launched in Stockholm (Sweden) in 2017, and is now live in more than 35 countries in the world. All venues are selected by top wine professionals.


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