California Association of Winegrape Growers Announces California Compost Tax Credit Legislation 

SACRAMENTO, March 5, 2024 – As the second year of the 2023-24 legislative session is now in full swing, Senator Monique Limón, (D-Santa Barbara) has introduced SB 1135 to establish the California Compost Tax Credit Fund. This legislation seeks to incentivize sustainable agricultural practices, undertaken by winegrape growers and other ag producers, by offering a tax credit for the utilization of compost to enhance carbon  sequestration efforts. This legislation is co-sponsored by the California Association of Winegrape Growers (CAWG). 

“I am proud to author SB 1135 to establish a tax credit for California farmers, ranchers, and landowners who maximize carbon sequestration through the use of compost on natural and working lands,” said Senator Limón. “This legislation will help incentivize the utilization of compost to aid in natural carbon sequestration while also aiding the effort of the state to meet its greenhouse gas reduction goals.” 

“The commitment of winegrape growers to sustainability is evident through the enrollment of over 60% of the state’s winegrape acreage in certification programs,” said Natalie Collins, CAWG President. “Sustainable winegrowing prioritizes practices to enhance soil health, such as planting cover crops and composting, which facilitate carbon sequestration. While these practices can entail significant investment for growers, they yield invaluable environmental benefits for the state, the nation, and the planet at large. CAWG extends its gratitude to Senator Limón for her leadership in recognizing the far-reaching impacts of these efforts and for championing this important legislation.” 

Established over 20 years ago by the collaborative efforts of CAWG and Wine Institute, the California Sustainable Winegrowing Alliance (CSWA) has been a leader in promoting sustainability within the California wine industry. CSWA is a nonprofit organization which serves as a platform for vineyards and wineries, offering resources, education, and certification programs to support environmentally and socially responsible practices. 

California is home to the world’s most widely adopted sustainable winegrowing programs in terms of both winegrape acreage and case production. Producing 80% of the nation’s wine and ranking as the fourth largest wine producing region globally, the widespread adoption of sustainability practices yields substantial benefits for the environment, employees, communities, and, naturally, the grapes and wine  themselves.


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