John Barker Sets a New Direction for the OIV in Its 100th Anniversary Year

The First Official Act of the New Oiv Director General, John Barker, Took Place on 11 January in Dijon, at the OIV’s New Year Celebration 2024. Barker Shared His Objectives for 2024 and His Perspectives on the New 5-Year Strategic Plan of the Oiv (2025-2030).

January 15th – In presence of OIV President Luigi Moio, representatives from the diplomatic corps, administrations and professionals from the vine and wine sector, John Barker said that it was a privilege to be taking the position of Director General in its one hundredth year and the international year of vine and wine.

Elected during the 21st OIV General Assembly held in Jerez de la Frontera (Spain) on 9 June 2023, John Barker assumed his role as Director General of the OIV for a five-year term, starting on 1 January.

2024: a year of opportunities

The OIV’s centenary is an “opportunity to celebrate a century of achievements,  to reinforce the commitment of Members to the Organisation, to raise the OIV’s profile and to look forward to the next 100 years and beyond”, declared John Barker.

The new OIV Director General believes that “the leadership and collaboration that the OIV provides are needed today more than ever to help member countries to master the challenges and profit from the opportunities facing the vine and wine sector today”. 

The Director General emphasised the important link between wine and vine products and the land, the climate and the people of their place of origin, which gives them both economic and culture significance. He noted the OIV’s commitment to the integrity and authenticity of all products of the vine, as well as to responsible and moderate consumption.

The New OIV 5-year Strategic Plan

Major events will mark the Organisation’s life in 2024: the OIV centenary celebration, the 45th World Congress of Vine and Wine, the renewal of its 5-year Strategic Plan and the inauguration of the new headquarters at the Hôtel Bouchu d’Esterno in Dijon. 

Looking ahead, Barker aims for the new Strategic Plan to set an ambitious agenda for the start of the OIV’s second century, with a strong scientific focus on the elements that will determine the future of the vine and wine sector, such as climate change and sustainability.

The new OIV Director General also discussed his aim to review the structures and processes of the OIV in line with the expectations or Members and the new Strategic Plan. Finally, he stressed his commitment to increasing the Organisation’s membership and expanding the recognition of the OIV among non-Member countries, other international organisations and the vitivinicultural sector.

In Memory of Pau Roca

During the ceremony, the President of the OIV, Luigi Moio, addressed the room paying tribute to the former Director General Pau Roca, who passed away at the end of 2023. Highlighting Roca’s contribution, devotion and passion for the vitivinicultural sector, the OIV’s President stressed: “the entire OIV family, the many scientific experts from 50 countries, the ministerial delegations, all the OIV staff and all the friends of world wine who have had the good fortune to know him, I’m sure will remember Pau Roca with admiration and edification.”

John Barker

John Barker is a legal expert with more than 25 years’ experience in the vine and wine sector. He has a long history with the OIV, having attended his first OIV meeting as a researcher in 2000 and starting as a New Zealand expert in 2005. He was President (2009-12) and Vice-President (2012-2014) of the Law and Economy Commission. He was a candidate for the position of Director General in 2018.

Dr Barker has an extensive background in the vine and wine sector both in New Zealand and internationally, specialising in all aspects of wine regulation and international trade.

He has worked as Wine Programme Manager for the New Zealand government, and from 2004-2014 as General Manager Advocacy and General Counsel for New Zealand Winegrowers – the national wine sector association. From 2014 to 2023, he headed a specialist legal practice advising wine and vine sector entities in many countries including New Zealand, Australia, UK, USA, France, Georgia, Moldova, Canada and Singapore.

John Barker was born 7 October 1968 in Auckland, New Zealand. He is married with two children. He holds a bachelor’s degree in law and arts from the University of Auckland (1992) and a PhD in Law and Geography (2004). His doctoral thesis – “Different Worlds: Law and the Changing Geographies of Wine in France and New Zealand” – was supported by a partnership between the University of Auckland and INRA-ENESAD at the Université de Bourgogne in Dijon.

Consult here John Barker’s CV

The International Organisation of Vine and Wine: OIV

The OIV is the intergovernmental organisation of a scientific and technical nature of recognised competence for its work concerning vines, wine, wine based beverages, table grapes, raisins and other vine-based products.

It is composed of 50 Member States.

In the framework of its competence, the objectives of the OIV are as follows:

  • to inform its members of measures whereby the concerns of producers, consumers and other players in the vine and wine products sector may be taken into consideration
  • to assist other international organisations, both intergovernmental and non-governmental, especially those that carry out standardisation activities
  • to contribute to international harmonisation of existing practices and standards and, as necessary, to the preparation of new international standards in order to improve the conditions for producing and marketing vine and wine products, and to help ensure that the interests of consumers are taken into account.


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