A collective research platform and staff education services enable small business competition with large corporates.
Thursday, November 30, 2023 – Independent growers and vintners face two major challenges today: a lack of work force training and a surplus of climate related challenges. The Vintners Institute Guild provides a platform for forward-looking viticulturists and winemakers to amplify their efforts through collective applied research. The Vintners Institute Academy provides a forum for employers to fast-track teaching of new best practices to on-the job learners.
“In the 90’s, we started lobbying for small family winemakers to help even the playing field with the big wineries that all had in-house legal teams. Now, given the climate challenges and all the impending legislation that comes with that, we are happy to announce that we look forward to leveling the playing field once again, now, in applied research and staff education, thanks to our recent relationship with the Vintners Institute.” Says FWC Board President Pete Downs. Vintners Institute Co-Founder, Bryan Avila, explains, “Vintners Institute and its founding Guild members have beta-tested a new, unbiased, collective research platform that paves the way for a new generation of tech-savvy, independent thinkers that value innovation and diversity. Not just diversity in the workforce, but including diversity from business ownership, on down to biodiversity in the soil. This is the way.”
This Spring, Vintners Institute is launching a winegrowing technology certificate program which delivers online, asynchronous, and bilingual instruction to support on-the-job technical staff training.
Current members of the Family Winemakers of California may join the Vintners Institute Guild at any time by contacting jessica@familywinemakers.org. To view active trials in the Guild, go to vintnersinstitute.com/guild. To learn more about staff training services, or to inquire about our apprenticeship training program, please contact admin@vintnersinstitute.com.
About the Family Winemakers of California
Family Winemakers of California is an organization that reflects the small producer’s point of view and speaks for small, family wineries in the fight for more access to markets, protecting individual freedom from government over-regulation, and fostering aspirations to make the best wine. Family Winemakers was founded in 1990 after the wine market order extension was voted down in a true grassroots campaign. For more information please go to: Familywinemakers.org
About the Vintners Institute
The Vintners Institute Inc. is a California corporation dedicated to the advancement of grape and wine production in the United States through collective applied research and workforce training. For more information please go to: https://vintnersinstitute.com