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US on Premise Awash with Strategic Channel Opportunities

September 19th – The latest CGA by NIQ 2023 Channel Strategy Survey dives headlong into ways that brands and operators can maximize the beverage opportunity in various key On Premise channels. The report also takes a close look at how consumer needs differ by venue across a range of criteria, providing vital insights to help tailor offerings to meet these varying needs.

Casual dining chains continue to be the most popular option for On Premise visitation. A resounding 4 in 5 US consumers typically visit the channel, whereas sports bars are a distant second with almost half of all US consumers. But it’s not a one-horse race.

Despite the enduring popularity of the casual dining sector, consumers also enjoy a range of other channels. For example, fine dining venues rank alongside sports bars in terms of the highest visitation levels after casual dining chains, and at least a third of consumers also attend music events/art festivals.

It all adds up to an eclectic mix, where the unique characteristics of each channel needs to be carefully considered, such as who people visit with, purpose of visit, daypart, and what they want to drink. In doing so, brands are empowered to customize strategies and capitalize on them. But the importance of flexibility and nuance in approach can’t be underestimated for realizing best outcomes. For these purposes, brands need to meet the needs of visitors to each specific channel.

While the biggest numbers are attention grabbing, there’s life beyond casual dining chains. Brands suppling to the sector can look to build brand loyalty among highly engaged, weekly visitors. A respectable 35% of casual dining consumers visit the channel weekly, however this is outpaced by the percentage of consumers visiting nightclubs and experiential bars on a weekly basis.

It’s a prime opportunity for brands to consider their best fitting products for venues where consumers are visiting regularly and forming habits, including in channels with smaller overall visitation.

Matthew Crompton, regional director – North America said: “Overall, the future for the On Premise looks positive, with most visitors likely to continue going to their respective channels in the next 12 months. This underlines the fact that there can be clear long-term rewards for drinks suppliers that implement channel specific plans to attract specific channel visitors. In short, right product, right place, right people.”

CGA by NIQ’s Channel Strategy Report 2023 offers a comprehensive overview of US On Premise channels. It uncovers profiles of interest, information around consumer visitation, and their consumption behaviors within the channels, which are integral for informing successful On Premise strategies.

About CGA by NIQ  

CGA by NIQ provides definitive On Premise consumer intelligence that reveals new pathways to growth for the world’s most successful food and drink brands. With more than 30 years of best-in-class research, data, and analytics, CGA by NIQ provides the Full View(TM). 

CGA by NIQ works with food and beverage suppliers, consumer brand owners, wholesalers, government entities, pubs, bars, and restaurants to protect and shape the future of the On Premise experience. Using the most complete and clear understanding of measurement and insights, CGA by NIQ provides a competitive edge to guide winning strategies for On Premise businesses. 

NIQ was founded in 1923 and is an Advent International portfolio company. For more information, visit NIQ.com or www.cgastrategy.com.   

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