Universal Compressed Air to Supply PIPELINE AIR™ to a Major Glass Producer in the United States

Southeast USA, May 2, 2023 Universal Compressed Air (UCA) will design, build, own, operate, and maintain a state-of-the-art facility to provide compressed dry air and vacuum to a major glass producer in the United States. 

PIPELINE AIRTM, UCA’s performance contracting model, is designed to allow companies to outsource compressed air as a utility, reduce energy and carbon footprint, preserve capital, and focus on their core business. 

UCA applies a design approach that focuses on lowest evaluated cost coupled with system reliability, operability, ease of maintenance, and constructability. UCA will execute the design, construction, commissioning, startup, operations, and maintenance of the new plant with startup expected in early 2024.

UCA looks forward to partnering with the customer to produce efficient and reliable compressed air while continuing our commitment to building a sustainable future. 

About UCA

Universal Compressed Air provides compressed air as a utility.  It is a privately-owned and thriving high-technology business in Pennsylvania’s Lehigh Valley focused on compressed air systems for industry.  UCA brings decades of Industrial Gas expertise to Compressed Air Supply Systems.  The systems are optimized to deliver compressed air as a utility and, in every case, an efficient and reliable solution will be designed and built to maximize savings.  As a compressed air supplier, the systems are proven, trusted, and designed to optimize the end user’s success. 


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